ago t.R Difcourfe oftruehappinefe. The foundoffeare and crycs ofvengeance are in their eares, and theirhearts ftrooken thorow (with flavilhhorror) trem- ble,as the leavesof'theForref} that are (haken with thewind: except theyhave paved themwithobftinacy and Atheifme, andmade them like the high wayes, and Satans ordinary roade. z.They haveno fhelter untlerthefhadowofthe molt High, no fuccour under the wings of Chrift from the plagues of God,and curfes ofthe Law.They cannotyet plead any privi- ledge or prote6tionby thebloodoftheL.amb,from thepoifon, fling,and endleffe vengeanceof thofe wofull judgements and cutting confufions,which are juftly preff upon their guilty confciences,for their unmortihed lofts, 3. Ifthewhole counfell and juft wrathofGod be faith- filly and impartially ript up and revealed againft them in this kind ; theAngelicall delufîons ofSatan, and the dam- nableneffe oftheir prefent condition will be clearly difco- vered untotheir confciences. For a feafonable and fincere divifionoftheWord of life and truth, doth piercingly and powerfully divide betweene the Soule and the Spirit, the joyntsand the marrow, andnever either juftifies any unre- generate man, or condemnes the juft. And therefore he that refiseither in the ftate ofnotorioufneffe, or meere civili honefty without an addition of fupernaturall and laving grace;or groffe hypocrifie, or Apoftacy, or luke-warme pro- fefìon, or any otherdegree ofunregeneration, (hall be lure (ifhe live under a confiant and confcionable means) now and then to receive a fhrewd knock upon his guilty con- fcienceby thehammer ofthcLaw, from thehand of a faith- full Teacher ; which cannot chufe but go full heavy unto his heart,except it be fealed upby the fpirit of Humber with obduration and fenflefneffeagainft the day ofvengeance; and mutt needs marre his mirth,and allpleafures of earth, with a molt bitter dreadfull mixture ofílavifh feare, and apprehenfi- ons ofHell. 4. Preachingandpreffing the Law, is principally either for dejedion of the heart with remorfe for (inne, or dire- lion