c11 Difcourfe of true happine. Rion ofthe lifeby rules ofgrace : they can endureand digeft neither. 5. Their confciences ordinarily are ever frefh bleeding, and í}ill gaoled with too violent firetching and inlarge- ment, and with the hard fittingof their boforne timeat the lead : and therfore they eafily grow relu&ant and ragefull, when they are grated upon by the fearching power of an holy, and foul- favingfeverity; and vexed to the quick with the particular difcovery of their hypocrifie, and digging into theirfinfull fores. Hence it is, that many times proud andprophane men fatten upon the heft Minifters, even for their faithfùllneffe in minifleriall duties, theverieft dung-hill indignities (pardonthephrafe, it expreffeth not halfe their vileneffe) and fouleft inhumanities, that the mof{ contemp- tible bafeneffe, andextremeft malice can pofïibly devife, or an ingenuous Pagan thinke upon, without a great deale of indignation. Thou fpeakeil falfly, fay all the proud men unto bleffed Jeremy, when he had ended his thundring and threarningSermon againO them : Ierem. 43.2 Then .CPa e eAzariah thefonne of HoJhaiah, and Iohanan the fsnne of Kareah, andall theproudmen, faying to Jeremiah, Thou lyefí, Execrable blafphemy,prodigious villany : Dufl and allies, nay,incarnate Divels, to give the lye, by confcqucnt at the leafI, (I fpeake itnot without horrour) to God Almighty I. And aboveothers, great men (without grace) find preach- ing the LawmofI painfull to their prophane hearts : becaufe theyhave the great&power and pleafures, and indeed their portion in this world. Hence it was, that when Iebudi,.Iere. 36.23. had read three or forre leaves of thole cutting Ser- mons ofcomminations, and curfes againfl: Juda and Ifrael; the Kingftampt, and raged, and.cutthe_roule With thepen- knife, and catt it into the fire thatwas on the hearth, until allthe roule was confumed in the firethat was on the hearth. And that Amaziah difcharged Amos of the Court, and fi len cedhim from fpeaking any more in the Kings Chappell, Amos 7.13. And that, that unhappy Felix, when 'Paul op -1 pofed,ánd applyed to hiscovetous, carnall, and careleffe hu- mour, ISI