2íf2 cif Difourf oftrae huppinelle. moura terrifyingdifcourfe of Righteoufneffe, Temperance, and theJudgement to come, cut himoffin the current ofhis fpeech, anddifinifchim untoa more convenient time, and better leifare, A .24.26. Sro loth are prophane greatones to be troubled in confcience, and tormented before their time. 2. A fecond cafe, wherein this reverence, which may fometimesbe found in the formalihypocrite to Gods faith- full Meffengers,changeth into heart-rifingagain(;: them, is; whenbythe fearching power ofthe Word, they have Tin- gled out hisbofome fanne, and have it in purfuite and chafe, with all thofe fierce and fearefull armies ofdevouring plagues, and certaine vengeancewhichdog itat the heeles. He can digeft well enough, with good attention and pa- tience, Athe debatement ofa controverfie, or common-place; approove and applaud general'. difcourfes, and unfearching Sermons; efpecially iftheytae fomething extraordinarily offulneffe ofreading,or fineneffe ofconceit; be made upwith forne affated mixture of choifefl humane learning, and commend to thecares oftheAuditory, the exceffi and ex- cellencyoffome rarer naturali parts. His heart may forne- times even dance and leap within him for joy, not with- out fotne outward vifible reprefentations, when he (hall heare the infiniteneffe ofGods mercy ; unvaluableneffe of Chrifts blood-fhed;precioufiae{fe ofthe promifes of life; un- conceiveabieneffe of thofe pleafares above, and fuch other points of exultation and comfort, with a pa;lionate and powerful' eloquence expreffed fomething to the life, and feelingly amplified. Although f ich inward trarritory light- nings tnhim, fpring not from the í)eciali apprchenion of any true reali intereft in thofe joyful tidings ; but from the naturali moovingneffeofthe matter, or the vanishing flaffies ofatemporary Faith,or the like. Nay, yet further, he may tolerate with reafonablecontentment and eafe, the zealous exagitation of other hateful'. villanies; the difcovery and damnation ofany other corruption : fo that only his dar- ling pleafure be let alone ; hismater-finnot mcdled with. Let