t .vrfcourfe. of true happinef. Let us fuppofe the fine of his 1-ofome;, to be the. brutifh.' pleafuresofuncleannefle; and.that tohim it.is.an earthly Pa- radife, to feed his rigefu1l kilt with grecdineffe and deli 1i4 at leaft upon fpeculative wantonnefie and adulteries of the heart : Now in this cafe if the. Ivl inifters of God only for- beare tobeat upon this point ; if they take heed that they touch not this fore ; they maybebolclat their pleafure, in o- ther denunciations of terrour, and take liberty (with his good leave) topurfue other finnes, with as great zeale and dcteftatioa as they will. They may tell themercileffeVfu- rer that he is infamouflyguilty ofthat finne, ofwhicha con- verted Jew, an honefl Heathen, or tolerable Turke, would beafhamedand remorfefull; ftigmatized by joynt - confent ofcharitable hearts, and (trongeft current of belt Divinity, with .a brandofextraordinary hatefulneí%, hard heartedneffe and cruelty: which at this day doth fhrewdly (hake the.'. ftrong finewesofthis great Kingdome ; like a fretting, can- ker with a plauuible iiavifibíe confumption, Both daily wafle. the ates, fuck theblood, and eat the livesof many poore diflrefled Ones in this Land ; fils Towns andCities. withun- profitable perfons, and the Country with miferies and. in- humanities. Nay,and let carnali reafon, covetous humours, fupercilious, obftinate imperioufnefíe. fret and contradi&-, rage and reclaime as long as theywill : tofet afide provoca- tionofGods plagues, and confederations of piety ;. even in the fenfeofnature, andmorali conference, it.cafts an afper- fon of inexpiable íhame and. difhonour upon the ancient.' gloryof this incomparable City. It is very 'range, that fuch ravenous Harpies and. Vfurious Vultures (for fo even Paganifme (tiled them by the light of reafon) fhould ands- cioufly rouit efpecially on high, in'the Eagles neft, thisltn- eriallGrove andfeat of/Vajefty 1 They may tell the Drun- ard, that he is a. voluntary Div.ell, the common fhame of nature, the great reproach and prodigious difgrace of man- kind ; that by turning himfelf into a barrel' or a beat,. doth (with intolerable indignity) fwinl hlyover- turne,and difànìmate that nobiefl thing, next unto an Angelical' na- ture,,