Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

T 8 LI, z. & z8. I,&c. Eecle, y.8. Difeourf oftruehappineffi, ture, the underftandingpower ofthe foul, which the hand of God by a royall felfe-refemblance bath molt undefer- vedly (tamped upon him.And for which (without timely re- pentance) hewill turnhereafter into the vilea and moll tor- mented creature,next unto the Divell & the damned fpirits. Let him goon a while in his fwaggering humour, and out of an accurfed gallantnefi of a fcornefull fpirit, crowne himfelfe with Rofe-buds, in this fpring of his ftrength to powre in ftrongdrink; let him drown his over-heated rage, his melancholike fits, dumps of fadneffe, indeed fometimes the ftingingbitin;s ofthat gnawingworme, which is bree- ding inhis confcience (except Satans hot iron hath feared it up;) let him, I fay, drowne thefediftempered and pec- cant humours, ofgood-fellowlhip, in Ale-houls, Taverns, the Peft-houfes ofPlayers, and in other Inch furious Con- venticles ofboyfteroufnefheand. vanity : yet let him know, that ifhego on, his day is comniing he (hall be fhortly drunke with a witneffe ; he (hall be drunke, but not with wine ; he (hallftagger, but not by firong drink ; he shallbe drunk even with the wrath and vengeance of God; and fpue,and fall and never rife againe. A number of:fearefull woes ftand regiftred againft him by the Miniflery of the Prophets; let him teare thofe leaves out of Gods book, and truth from the facred penofthat never erring Spirit; or els affuredly they (hall ail light upon all impenitent drunkards, to theutmofl extremity and leaf, fparke of thofc everlafting flames; as fure as God is in heaven, curfes in his Book, drunkards upon earth, and plagues in hell. They may tell the depopulatingInclofer,that he is farre worfe then a rob- bing murtherer on Shooters hill : for beides the villanous deftruc4ion ofGods people, and the Kings fubje;}s; the in- tolerableweakningofthe ftrength, and glory ofthis King- dome, in a very high and horribledegree,(for the wif fl King that ever livedbath told us that the honour of a King ù are the snultite de of people, and that eh.? Ki ao. conaf/lerh by the fieldthat it tilled). fothat depopulation, and decayof tillage, the curfed brood ofbloody Inclofzre, are very' cut-throtëd of