ea Déjcourfe oftrue happinef . ofTMajefly, and confufionof-Rates imperiali ; and I dare fay, fetting afïdethe provocationofdivine vengeance, they hold afirong counter-motion andoppofitions to founder policies offiate, and wifer depths ofMonarchy ; I fay, betides tilde publike mifchiefes, this man-eating Canniball doth as fare furpaffe the blood-fucker by the high-way, in inflieli- on of tortures, as a Spanifh luquifrtour an ordinary hang- man : theone difpatches a man in a moment, and puts him out of his pain upon the fndden ; theother adds leifure and lingring to a dying life,and living death, that menmay fèele they die. Certainly it were farremore mercifull and tole- rable that fuch opprefsingGiants fhould knock thofe pobre people in the heads in their honks, before they turn them out oftheir ancient homes ; then fo cruelly expofe them to be wafted by little and little, and by degrees to be devou- red ofmifery andwant : Which is a kind of death, as farre moremercileffe and tormenting then the former; as hang- ing in chains alive, then beheading. They may tell the Swearer, that he already fpeaks the language of Hell, and therfore his naturali place is that infernali pit. Thatthe oath is no fooner out of his mouth, but he is like a thiefe condemnedto the gallows, and wearing his halter ready tobehanged ; fo fpeaks an holy Father, nay in a thoufand times more curled cafe, for ipfo faElo, fentence of endleffe death is pail upon him, by that highefl Judge, which will hold noman guiltleffè that takes his name in vain. With what ice will our defperate fwaggerers be able to look Chrift Jefus in the face at that great and fearfull day ; or for pardon in his pafsion, hilt they have fomany times died their tongues red in that precious blood, by their bloody oaths; and with iteration of more then Jewifh cruelty,fo often re- crucified the glorified body ofthe Sonne of God with their damned blafphemies ? They may terrifie the rich Ones ofthe world with thofe flaming words ofthe Ape- flle : Goe to now, ye rich men, weepe and homle for your mife- ries that fhall corize upon you. Tour riches are corrupt, and your garments are moth-eaten: your gold andfrlver is canke -. red, J