Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

1$6 t.4 Difceurf oftrue-happinej. 1 red, andthe,rugethersfhallbea Witne ff eagainji you, andAtilt ease your flelh as it Were fire : ye haveheapedup :treafure for theláf dales. Andwith that other dreadful' doom; 1 Cor. 6. ro. Nocovetous nian 'hall ever come into the kingdome ofGod. They may tell thererfecutors ofthe wayesofGod, that though in the meane time they dolnineere with unap- peafable infolencies over the fincerity of the Saints; and profper forawhile in.thepaffages of blood; yet theirdamna- tion fleeps not, the Lord will thorny pay them home with the bloodofwrath and of jealoufie. Not long after t King.2 that Ahab had commanded the bleffed Prophet c Micaiah 7i38, to prifon,there tobe fed withbread of' afnlidion, and water ofaffliCfion, were thedogges fed withhis princely (though prophane) blood,in the pooleofSamaria. When :4ntiochus (to whofe cruelty againffgrace, they are all in force degree accurfed Antitypes) was riding poaft towards IeruQlem with blood in his heart, murtherin his hands, and threats s Macc.9. in hismouth ; even then the.Lord.Almighty, the Jode'Ifra- .ell'mote him With an incurable and invifible platrtse : So that the Wormer came out ofthe body ,of thú .Wick.edrmaninabun- dance, and whiles he ,wu .alive, his ,fiej9i fell offerPaine and torment, and all his cArrmy was grieved at thefméll. They think they doGod worthy fer.vice, by fupprefsing:the pow- erofhis truth,,andprofefsion ofzeale ; but they are indeed the notorious champions for Satan and the confufions of hell,thatbreatheupon theeartha hus, and in this fort, may the Minifter ofGodproceed and purfe(with denunciations afGods judgements and ju{l indignation) thef and filch o- thercrimfon abominations, andcrying villanies of thefe lafl and worfe times, whichdoamongfl us at this day,with pro- digious impudency, and whorifh fore-he,ds very fearfully evenout-face the Sunne, and band themfelves with anhigh hand againft the Majefly of Heaven: and that with the good attention, patience, approbation, and (perhaps) ap- plaufe of the formali hypocrite. And the rather, becaufe he ithinks;that neither.the worldabroad Both cenfure him with open infamy; nor lb much as the conceits of the prefent hearers,,