Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Diourfeof true happinefj'B. ' i87 hearers,by thefecret application, fufpeî him for any fuch fin : netther,it maybe,dothhe indeed feelethe current ofhis carnall afffdions run that way,or the fenfuall addiaioasofhis heart fo endeared to the wicked pleafures therof.But come once to the difcovery anddamnation ofluflfullnefre; which we fuppofe to be hisbelovedandbofofne fin;andlet that terrifyingText, Heb. 13.4. Whoremongersand adulterers GodWill fudge, be refl upon his confcience particularly, andwithpower ; and thenhe be- gins to{lartle and flirre, and to take on withmuch inward re- piningand diftaftfull indignation. For he is vext at once with thefmart ofan inviable fling for that tinfoil pleafäre, which is thedarling ofhis fenfuall delights, many times much,dearer then life it felfe; and if it benoifed andknowne abroad, with fenfeofpublike fhame ; which mainely croffes his ambitious Pharifàicali thirdafter plaufibleoe% and acceptationwith the world ; and his vainedeí ires for the attainement of a Chriflian reputation, and difJenfation to continue ina fcandalous fin ; of a goodopinion from theheft men, and a faint-hearted incon- formity to thebelt things which are ever uncaoable ofcon- currence,or compoffibility. A powerfuil Minifiery pregnant with fpirituall penetration and life,and managed with the fee- ling eloquence offore Iohn B or Sonne ofthunder, may for a time iliacup and amaze his duller and unzealousappre- henfions with its majefly anddivinenefï'; fo that hemay heare him gladly, not without föine admiration, and applaufe; re- forme his waies in many things,' after his religious inftru`ti- ons; and reverence thenobleneffe of his refolutions, inquit- ting himfelfe like a'man, in his Maftersbuf neffe: but let onde that man of God charge the edge of his fpirituall (word up- on the headof his particular raigning fin ; and with the fear- ching light of the Word of life difcover that corner of the heart,wherein hisdarling pleafure lurkes ; and then is hequite loft for any longer love that way ; all is utterlymard for any more refped to Miniflers ofthat ltraine. For carnail hearts ha- ving no true hope, or reali intereft, in thofe found and la fling joyes above,cannot without extraordinary vexation, and impatiency, heare of patting from poflei ion of' the p prefent u--