Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

L./1 Di f ourfe oftrue happineffé. 189 cifenefle; andofthat true-heartedholineí{,withóut which no man 1há11 ever fee theLords face,under the title ofHypocrifìe. For you mutt know that a manmay be a Patron of favin truth,and yet a Perfecutorof fandification ; a defendor dear doctrine, andan Oppreffor offîncerity; an enemy to Popery, and afriend toprophaneneffe.So that certaine it is (upon this occa(ion,and admiffion ofthe inftance wherein I haveinfìfted) the formall Hypocritemay come at length to that reprobate paffe, and ragefull humour, that hemay even bitterlyperfecute withhanders, difgraces,and his utmof of malice and revenge, theconfcionableneife of that man, and powerfullneffe ofthat Miniftery,which he bath formerly heeded and reverenced.And commonly filch a fellow afterward is tranfported withgrea- ter fpight, and. more inraged with imaginations of aver(ion andhate, againft the.Preachers of fincerity, and Pra,Hfers of Grace,thenProfefí'ors ofGracelefheffe.For hewhichprofeffeth the waies ofGodfalfely,or formally, is ordinarily morebitter, violent,and cruell to atrue Chriftian, then Pagans and profeft Oppofites. Pilate was more pittifull and kinde unto Chrift, -then the Pharifees. Felix more favourable and friendly to Paul, then the highPrieft. It were better be a,Gally-flave to a Turke, then under the Spani'h Inquifition. Iwould ra- ther fall into the hands of a fwaggering Good-fellow and notorious firmer, in a point of danger, or difgrace; then Rand to the mercyof a formali Profefl'cur, and proud Phari- fee. Though the notorious finner be further diftant from the Chriftian in degrees of forre kinder ofgoodnefíe, then the formali Hypocrite; yet many times he is not fooppofite inextremity, of malice and height of difdaine. Amongfit all fortsof differences, dif-affth ions, and ftrange antipathies; (which by the delerved curfe of flume, mingle themfelves with thenatures and negotiations of' the banes of Adam) there is none holds a ftronger and more incompatible -op- pofition and divorce, thenthat which is betwixt thof ; who With confidence and perfwafion they are right, take croft:: waies towards. the Kingdom?. of Heaven. And therefore the formaliHypocrite, turning Traitour to true Profeflours, 0 2 doth A&.44.23