190 Efay 5.21. Pro.s6.Is Pr0.27, z a a Rotn.I tI. b P[;14.4 Mat ¡.8. 1Q11e3.3. r Eph. 5.I 5 cixerl3ws 5tzeorx. TGIZS. da4at.549 ° hiat. I t. I 2. f Lyak. 13. Ayevá<Eav H'o-EAÑrit%, &c. gMat.S. ao. h I Pft.I 15. i Rev.;. i9. .Dèfcr;us-fe cftrot' haffiní. cloth many times takeen, and ragemore againft them, then theopen and infamous Offender. For this latter thinkes him- felfe wrong, and fometimes will not flick to confcire it onely comforts his heart in the meane time by making God and mercy, andwith a fecret refervation, and refolution, torepent hereafter : but the former,beingdangeroufly wife inhis owne eyes,andprudent inhis his owne fight for mattersoffalvation, (tonnes that any man fhould cenfure him for unfoundneffeof his fpirituall Rate, and is as refolute he (hall go toHeaven, as well as thepureft and precifeft ofthern all. Which groundleffe felfe- conceit makes him both more miferable in himfelfe, and uncapable of Paving grace ;; for there is more hopeof a Goole, thenof him that is wife in his owne conceit ; and though thoubray afoole in a morter, yet (hall not his folly depart from him : and alfo more malicious againft the wales offincerity, and zealefulneffeofthe Saints ; becaufe their forwardneflè con- demnes his formality ; and thegracious light oftheir holy life, clearely difcovers unto him the truth ofhis fpirituall darke- neffe,and damnation ofhis prefènt ftate, a. Thirdly, that reverence and refped}full carriage to godly Miniflers, which may fometimes be found in the for- mall Hypocrite, doth grow towards diflaft and dif(fi`°étion when theypreffe them by the powerful' fenfe, and piercing applicationoffomequickning Scriptures, to a a fervencieiii fpirit,. & purity ofheart, c precifenefle in their walking, á fa, pernaturali fingularity above ordinary and morali perfe- &ions, excellencie of zeale, and a ficred r violence in pur- fuiteofthe crowneoflife; to an holy ftrictneffe, extraordi- nary ftriving f to enter in at the{trait gate, and tranfcendent eminency over the formall' g righteoufneffe of the Scribes and Pharifees, to a neerer familiarity with God, by prayer, daily examination of the confeience, private humiliations,, meditation upon theendleffe duration in a fecond life; to a narrow watch over the flirrings and imaginations of the heart, and expref ion of h" holineife in all the pafirages of both their callings, zealonfiieffe as a counter-pcy£on to the loth foinepotionof ' lukewartìieneífe,ar;d toother fetand folemiie exercif ;