v1Difourf of true happinef. 191 exercifes ofmortification, fan`tified elevations "of feeling hearts,executions ofgrace,andpraJifesoffincerity.Points and ponderationsofwhich nature,are ordinarily unto him fo many fecret feedes of indignation and difcontentment; and many timesbreede in his formall heart and cold aff:&ions, exafpera tion and cftrangement ; ifnot meditations ofperfecution and revenge. Sanc`tifcation, precifenelte, purity, holineffe, wale, ftrietneiT, power ofgodlinef%, Spirituali men,holy Brethren, Saints in Chrift, comrnuniDn of Chriftians,Godly conferen- ces,conceived prayers,fanftifying the Sabbath,Family-exerci- fes,exercife offafting, and mortifying humiliations, and fuck like; are commonly to menof this temporizing temper, and luke-warme conftitution, termesof fecret terrour, and open taunting. Vpon fad and folitary advifement with their owne fearefull thoughts,they may juftly f}rikc thorow their hearts with invifible trembling; becaufe in their milderand fober monde towards Gods children,and calmer conceits offan6tiñ- ed courfes, they mutt needs confefíe (out of their certaine knowledge) that thefe glorious Attributes of the waies of God, and honourable badges of the Saints, are thevery lan- guageoftheHoly Ghoft in the Booke oflife, and the infe- parable everlafting Attributes of Chriftianity : andyet they finde, and feele in their owne confciences, that their hearts ftand againft them, that they are neither true,hearted pra- Ctitioners, orpartakersofthem. And fometimes alfo when the fpirit of prophane`fcornfullneffe againft fincerity ftirres in them,efuecially amongft their companions, and conforts in fpirituall coldneffe; they villanoufly fport themfelaes with them,and make them the matter of their hatefull and accurfed jefts: that fo they may keepe under, all they can,in dif-elcima- tion and contempt the faithful) ProfefforsandPra&cifers there- of,whom naturally theyheartily hate ; and alfofeeme thereby to beareout theheartleffe flourifhes of their owne formality withgreater bravery.Hereuponit is, that ifthey take the child ofGod but tripping in theleaft infirmity, againft which too (perhaps) he ftrives and prayes with many teares and heartfull ejaculations ; flipping onely in forne unadvifed andprecipitant 0 3 paffage