192 f,f1 DiJccurfe of true dlappinefe. * Aft. a4. Teriullus cals Paul a pëffilent fellow: How truly thinkyou? paffage of'his negotiations amongít men,and that (perhaps) not for want ofconfcience, but acquaintance with the world; not withpurpofe to off =nd,wrong, or grieve any body ; but for titnoroufneffe ofbeing infaaréd in the coozening trapsofcove- rtous worldlings -; -failing bat in theobfervationof force civiif ceremony,and complement allobfervance,which heomits(per- haps)not of' furlineffe andpride, but for feare of growing into too much uncomfortable neereneffe, and unwarrantable fer- viceableneffe to unfan&ified greatneffe,or the like; i fay iftheÿ takehim tardy but in forcefuch leffer aberration,haubd at length into their knowledgeby the cordsofmalice,their ordinary In- telligencer, and Informer in fuch affaires, after much greedy, watchfullnefle and curiousprying into his waies ; or by the blotting infufurrations of force invenoméd flandcrous tongue : O thenthey take on immeafurábly, then they cry out and ex claime : Thefe are your men oftheSpirit, thefeare theholy Brethren,thefeare your precife Fellowes,thefe are they which make fuch thewofpurity and fòrwardneffe: you fee nowwhat they are, whenmatters come out, and their dealings aredif- covered ; when it comes to the trial! indeed, or to a matter of commodity,&c. Are not they proud, are not they malicious, are not they hard-hearted and covetous as well as others?&c. Whenby themerciesoftod (in their fenfe) theyare neither fo,norfo : * but fach cenfures as thefe are veryoften themeere: evaporations of pure malice, and the bitter ebullitions and overflowfngsoftheir gall. It is ftrange to fee and confider, howmenof this world, in the ruffe and flower of their earthly profperities, plea- fares and jollities, fill their carnall hearts, evenbrim= fall,, withfcornefallreae, difdaine, and many iaraged prejudices,: againft theholy fimplicityof the Saints, and ftrider wales, offalvation ! They fwell fobig, with their ownenaturall in- bredmalice, edged and eneagred by thedivels bitter ernpoifo- ned `Dofs of contemptand pride, that many times it burfls out upon the humbled oppreffed innocencies of Gods chil- dren,liker amighty torrent, withmercilefíe inundations ofma- ny antollerable vexations,difgraces, and cruelty. While with' many`