Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

vl Difceurfe oftrue happiseef. many fecurefull & fenfuall yawnings, they lie ftretching tllem- felves upon their beds ofIvory, and fit foftly in the icorners chaire,oriently crowned with buds of Rofes, and pleafures of gold:while theyEland flrongly fupported by the arme offlefh,. ina profperous purfaiteoftheir ownwaies, and merrily fwim, downe the currentof the times, with full file in ahot gleame ofworldly glory, they breakeout with much thundring and flormy fowrenefre,into many boyflerous andbitterout-cries,a- gainft precifenes, as they call it,andprecife fellowes, andwith a difdainfull overlineffe,and cenforious eye,looke upon the zea- lous paf ages and fanelified angularities ofthe Chri[lian life; as though they werebut exorbitant inventions and aui ations of hypocrifie and humour. Iam perfwaded there wasnever poor perfecuted word,fince maliceagainft God fir[l feazedupon the damned angels; and thegraces ofHeaven dwelt in the heart of man;that paired through the mouthesofall forts ofuregenerate men,with more diftaflfullnes, and gnafhingofteeth, then the name of`Puritandoth at this day : which notwithflanding as it is now commonly * meant, andordinarily proceeds from the fpleene and fpirit of prophaneffe and good-fellowfhip, is an honourable nickname, that I may fo fpeake, ofChriftiani- ty and grace. And yet for all this, I dare fay there isnone of them all,but when they (hall come unto their beds of death, (andGod knower howfoone the fecureft maybe arrefted by that inexorable Sergeant) and are to grapple immediately with the painfull terrorsof the King offeare, and to [land or fall to thedreadfull tribunall ofthe living God ; before which none (hall ever appeare with comfort, or bedifmi[} with glo- ry,but thofewhichbring thither holineffe and fincere hearts; I fay, there is noneof them, though now out ofa felfe-con- ceited fuperciliousinfolencie, they brow-beat their brethren 193 * And eve' in thefe times the godly live amongft fuch a ge. nerati<on of men,as that if a man doe but labour to keepe a good con- fcience in any mea- Cure, al- though he meddle not with matters of State or difcipline, or Cere- monies: (As for example, if a Mini- iter diligentlypreach,or in his preaching Peek to profit rather thento pleafe,remembrine the flaying of the Aptftle,If I feeke to ',kale men, I amnot the fcrvant of Chrift, Gai. t to. Or if a private Chr,ltian makes conlcience of fwearing, Can&ifying the Sabbath, frequentingSermons, or abft lining from the common corruptions of the time) Hee thall itratght way be condemned for a Puritane,and confequentiybe leffe favoured,then either carnall Gofpeller, or aclofe (ap:ft, vs. Dottor Downbatn in lais Sermon at Spittle,called 4brahams trial: pag.7 z 0.4 with