Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

194 Difrourfe of true happinefe. withmany big lookes, and rage like imperious Lions againft the Lambeso 'Chrift;but then,wheitpleafures,honours,riches, greatneffe,frierds, Phyficions, and all otherworldly comforts betides forfake them ; and they fee in the bitterneffe oftheir vexed fpirits,all their formerearthlyglory and delights offlefh ready to liinke with them into the grave,and tohe buriedever- laftingly in thofe blackand cruel! habitations ; but then (I fay) except the Lord fuffer them to fall into the fiery Lake with fenfeleffe hearts, and feared confciences, would give ten thou- fand worlds,were they al turned intogold,pleafures,and impe- rìall Crownes; to change their former courfes ofvanity,ambi- tion,ferifualities,worldlines,and good- fellowthip, into a lifeof anholy precifeneffe,ftri&neíle,(incerity and fàlvation. O l when the Heavens (hall thriven together like a fcrole, and the whole frame of Nature flame about their cares ; when the great and mighty hils (hall Bart out oftheir places like frighted men, and the fearefull reprobat;: cry and call upon this mountaine, and that rocke, to fall ui on him ; when as na DromedaryofÆgypt,nor wings of the morning fhall be able to carry them out of the reach of Gods re- venginghand ; no topof Carmel, no depth of Sea, erbot- tomeofHell, tohide them from the prefenceof him which fits upon theThrone, and from the wrathof the Lambe; no rocke, nor mountaine, not the great body of the whole Earth, to cover them from that unrefiítable power, which laid the foundationsof them ; no arme of flefh, or Armies of Angels to protect them úom thofe infinite rivers ofbrim ( }one, which thall be kept in everlafting flame by the anger ofGod : when their poore arid wofull foules (hall infinitely delire rather to returne into the loathed darkeneffe of not being, and tobe hid for ever in the molt abhorred (tate of annihilation; then now to become the everliving Obj.eLis of that unquenchablewrath, which they (hall be never able either toavoideor abide; and to be chained up by the omni- potent hand of God amongft the damned (pirits, in a place offlames and perpetuall darknes, where is torment without end, and paft imagination : I fay, at that dreadful! day, (and that