t.4 Dzjceurje of true happsnefiri. 195 that day will come) what doeyou thinkwould they give for part in that purity,which now they perfecute,and for thecorn- forts of true-hearted holineffe that now they hate ? andyet without which, as it will clearely appeare, when mattersare brought before that high and everlafting Judge,none (hall ever fee the Lord,or dwell in the joyes ofeternity ? Nay, I verily thinke, there are no defperate defpifers of Godlineffe,or formal' Oppofites toGrace,which doe now (out ofthe naturali blindneffeoftheir underftandings, affed}ed pride ofheart, or nnmoveabie love to earthly pleafures) hold holi- neffe tobe hypocrifie, fandtilcation fingularity,pradtifeofin- cerity too much precifenefi'e, the great things of the Law, as a ftrange thing : but when the pit ofdefírus`tion bath once (hut her mouthupon them, and they are funke irr ecoverably into that Dungeonoffire, would be content with all their j hearts to livea million ofyeeres, as precifely as ever Saint did upon earth (I meane it ftili in abffinence from finne, and zea- lous purfuiteof the waies ofGod) to redeeme but one mo- ment of that moft intollerable hetlifh torture ; the fting and extremity ofwhich they muff endure everlaftingly, without rernedy,eafe or end. Thusfare I have waded in the difcoveryoffome grounds andmotives,whereupon the formali hypocrite may reverence! and obferveGods faithful' Meffengers ; and fome cafeswhere-' in he ordinarily growesby little and little intodif.&dionand difeonceit ; if not to perfecution, and boifterous Oppofition ágainft their powerful', fearching, and quickning minifiery. Now take notice offome inducements,and reafons more pecu- liar,and individual' to the Chriftian, of that hearty reverence towards godly Minifters,which is deepely rooted in hisgood 1 and honeft heart. Ì_ Onely in a word, for feareof iniftaking, and errour in the point, let me interpofe this premonition ty the way : In this paffa e of reverence performable to the fincereft ?afters, I muft fuppofe, and doe confider Ccds childe in his ordinary courfe of hncîified carriage, and kindly temper of his fj it tuall conftitution ; the current of Chriftianity running clears. Mac. f.8. Heb.is. 14.