19èí c4 IJifourfe oftrue happi:se e f clearebetweene them. For fometimes thepurer ftreames of' their Chriftian love may for a timebe troubled with the mud- diemixture offome diftempered overflowing pallions ; the kinder paflàges ofmutuall refpe:ts one unto another ; dammed up by theDivels malice; the dearer light of theircomfortable communion, interceptedby fomecroffifìg earthly interpofiti- onoftheold man. It is cleare by toomany wofull experiences, that differences may arife betwixt Gods dearth children, efpecially about things indifErent;which though theybe originally inherent in the judgement, yet by confequent and fympathy theybreede many times (except there 1?e a great deale ofhumblescharity, and gracious humility onboth fides) fameaverfion and coldnes in the affeftions.Neither foonly, but fometimesalto alienation is wroughtimrnediatly upon their affactions,without interce- dencie of diffenfion in Opinion. Satangaines very much by the difvnion ofChriftian hearts, and thefalling out ofthofèwhich havegiven their names to religion ; and therefore he leaves no way oftentationunattempted, no hellifhpollicie unpraaifed to fet fuckat oddes.Helabours mightily, and prodigiouflypre- vailes atthis day,by vexing their judgements with Opiniona- tivenefie, felfë-conceited fpcculations, and thoughtsofSept- ration,to drive them by degrees fromdivorce of judgements in force fingular apprehenfions, to difafalion ; from difaf- fection,to faction; from faaion, to fchifine ; from fchifme(to fpeake in fofteft phrafe) to many dreadfall diftempers. He greedily alto apprehends all occafions and advantages to di- vide the hearts of thofe, who peaceably at home fiacke the fame immortali Truth, and one life of Grace from the brefts ofthat bleifed Mother which bore them ; by many malici- ous injeftions of fecret fides of difcontentment, jealou- fies, heart-burnings, eftrangement, and unkindneff s ; which fpringing up fometimes too fait and high betwixt them, from the bitter rootes of privie pride, unfociable farlinefle, impatiencie of reproofe, angry emulations for the higher feate in the conceits and confciences of the forwardeft Chri- ftians, naturali crookedneff, and waiwardneffeofdifpofïtion, Me-