Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

vI DiJcctirfe of true ha,ppnef. 197 lvlelancholike furmifes, tooambitious aff;.etatíonofttrángenes, force worldly matter not worth talking of,or the like, doe un- happily grow unto at length, andbring forth to the enviou-s man,feeds-manofall diffention,too great an harveft (efpecially if theworldand wicked Ones take notice)ofill eff:ttsand per- nicious conferments : as befides their mutuall difcomfort and difpleafing ofGod : Wofull advantage to the adverfariesof GraceandGodsTruth;obfirmation totheObftinate:Hindrance and difcouragement to the weake ; Sport and infultation to Scorners;Table-talke,and matter of triumph to good-fellowes; difgrace to the peacefull wales offincerity; and griefe tomore humble andbetter advifed Chriftians.The powers ofdarkenes, j and all forts of profane men cannot poilibly be betterpleafed, or thebleffed Spirit and good men more grieved ; then to fee and heare Gods childrenwho fo pleade for, and makeprofeffi- onoffuch a glorious communion of love and peace, to be at variance,and tocenfure one another. It infinitely therefore, andmolt dearely concernes all thofe which have given their names to (ìncerity, to labour every way to keepe the unity of the Spirit inthe bond ofpeace. Never was there more neede that bletfed'Pauls earneft and zealefull obfecration, Philip,2.1,2, fhould live frefhly in the memories, and be deepely engraven in the hearts of all Chriftians : I therefore the prifoner of the Lord, hefeech you, that ye Wal/ Worthy ofj the vocation Wherewith ye are called : With all humhlenef fe of minde andmeekeneffe, With longfnffering, forbearing one ano- ther in love ; Indevouring to keepe the unityof the Spirit in the , E}4'vti úv bondofpeace. I never read, without great amazement, thefal- zae> Ue ling out of that glorious paire of worthy workemen in the E ró",(]31`( Lords Harveft,Panland Barnabat, AEls 15.39 The matter of Cpeá kesein differencebetwixt themwas not very great ; andyet it grew a PhyGri. to that head and heat,that it parted them. Iffuch twoftrong ans phrafe) and tall Cedars were (haken fo threwdly ; how much neede Wn" have lower (hrubs, weaker Chriftians, to ¡land upon their etavcze guard and watch-Tower, againft the inbred rebellious ftub- `aT s "? bornneffeof their corrupt nature, and malicious incurfions of ,«nwu. This.` Satan in this kind ?