Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

vt .Difcourfe of true happinef. This then istheCaveat and premonition I wouldgive by the way,In this point ofreverenceperformable togodly Miniffers, wemuff confider Chriftians in their ordinarycourfe offan&i- fled carriage,and kindly temper of fpirituall conffitution. For betides, that thoughtsof averfion andeftrangement may (more is'the pitie)bewroughtupon their affeCtions,as Ihave told you, böth mediatelyby difference ofjudgement inOpinion,and im- mediately by worldly matters, andOccurrents of difcontentin their mutuall negotiations and dealings one withanother ;the faithfull Meil'engers ofGod alfo may,andmuff fometimesupon the juft andurgent exigencieoftheir charge and calling,by ex- preffe tenour oftheir Commiflion, and for the impartiall dif- charge ofagood confcience, grow difpleafing and diffaffefull, even to thofe which make profeflion offorwardnes andzeale ; ifthey will needs give ¡aft occafìon by Opinionativeneflc,felf- conceitedneffe, uncharitable cenfures, exorbitancie or remif- fon of zeale, inclinations to worldlineffe, breaking off of brotherly affe(ion, cauflefl'e wafpiihneffe, and impatiencies, mif-(pending the precious time ofChriffian conferences in a tedious fpeculative profecution of Ceremoniall controver- fies, which fhould be comfortably improved and imployed in fweete edifying difcourfes of fan hficatien, repe,itance, Cafes of confcience, exercifes of mortification, further mu- tuall difcoveries ofthemyffery of' godlineffe, and holy trade ofnewobedience, andotherfuch paffagesofpraCticall divini- ty : By theiraffectation of a kindofwantonnef e in religion fpringing from fpirituall pride,dif-afFedion to their I`aflours,if they crofi'e their conceits in fonie groundleffeOpinions, new lect ofFamily-exercifes, fcandalous liberty in company-kee- ping, and fuchother aberrations and exorbitancies from the ftraight pathofChriffianity,too much, and often incident to Protefl'ors ofGrace. This premonitionthus premifed,I proceed (in a word on- ly) to the difcoveryof force motives of reverence togodly Miniffers more peculiar toGods children, and the fznclified effects of fpeciall and faving Grace. All, or the moil of the motivesbefore mentioned, may be found alfo in the Chilli- an,