cowfe f owe hnppine. 199 1 an,fo that manyofthem are common to himwith the forrnall Hypocrite ; butin thefe that follow,nounregenerate man bath either feeling or fellowfhip. I. Every faithfitll ivlinifter is to every Chriftian under his charge,and within the exercifeand enjoyment ofhisMinifte- ry,either fpiritu allFather, or afpiritteall7tnor: a blefièd in- I Cor.4 ftrurnent unto him, either ofplantation, or prefervation of ' Y. grace, either of the firf} happy infpiration,or the after comfbr-' table continuance offpiritualf life : either he bathbegot him unto God by the immortal/ Seed,or brings himup in the trade of IPet.1.a 3 godlineffeby the fincere milke ofthe Word, ifhebe a babe in Chrift ; or fironger meate, ifhebe a confirmed Chriflian.Now Heb. q, t z, what a dealeof deareft reverence and inflamed afEclion, the 13,14. confideration offuch incomparable, unvaluable benefits in- kindleand beget in the humble and tender heart of a Chriftì- -an, none can poiìibly conceiveandcomprehend but a Chrift:i- an heart,and that manwhich knowes, and feeles by his owne happy experience, what a blefled change it is to be refcued and deliveredOut of the Dive's bondage, and damnationof hell, from the curfe offin and horror ofconfcience ; into the liberty OftheSaints,favour of , ofHeaven, and the glori- ous Paradife of an appeafed and peaceful fpirit ; andwhat a happy thing it is afterward to havehis hungry and longing tonic continually fed. and filled in thehoule of God; from the a Theff z. mouthofhis fpirituall A"urfe, with the kindly foodof tumor- '' tality and life,as Withmarrowandfatnejfe.A joyfidl feniè thenof thefeprecious priviledges and bleflìngs of Heaven, in which no unregenerateman bath either part or fellowChip, is a moft powerful and peculiar motive to the ChriGtian, tò obferve with an hearty and fanCtified reverence thofe men of God, . which be acknowledgeth to be the holy inhlruments divinely qualiiedand defined, for the conveyance and continuance of them upon his foule. 2. Chriftians feelingly receive into their hearts by, fee- ciall interel, and grafpe with an holy greedineffe as their 1 owlíe,in the hand of fáith, all thole rich comforts and joy-, full tidings, which theman ofGod by his lvíinifteriall corn- million. 1