200 Difcourfeoftruehappinege, million, doth reach unto them ant of thebookeoflife. Thofe glorious promifes ofimmortality and peace, whichfpring out ofthebottomeleffe and boundleff fountaine of Gods infinite compafTions, and ftreame full fairely and oriently thorow the bloody wounds of our blefed Redeemer, are direaly and no. turally.conveiedbythe handsoffuch anholyman, ChrifsAn- gell,into their fanetifiedhearts, preciousandparticular. Velfels purgedand preparedby the powerofGrace, for fuch fpirituall infufions ofheavenly glory and light. Whereby at many Ser- mons they fenfïbly and really bathe their drooping and thirfly foules in the well oflife,and fweetelydrink their fill out ofri< versofthepleafures ofGod. And henceit is, that the feet of Gods faithfi ll Meffengers are fo beautifull in the eyes ofdifcer- ningChriflians, and their powerfull minifteries fo deare unto their hearts, that they entertaine them into their ofe ions Ga1.4.i4 with fpeciall reverence as Angels ofGod, nay in an holyfenf, even as Cbrill. Iefushimfelfe : whereas to the carnall conceits offcornefull worldlings,they appeare to be the veryfilthof the I Cor.4, World, and o f_fcouring of all things becaufe they have 13. no meffages unto them fromAlmighty God, but burthens of lamentations, moaarn;ngsandWoe, But now in this point ofparticular application, fpeciall intereft,and feeling fruition; while the Minifler ofGod is dealing unto humbled hearts, and bruifed Spirits, out ofthe rich treafury of Gods infinite mercies, the facredflreames of Chrifls precious blood, for- giveneffe offinnes, comforts of' godlineffe, peace of confci- ence, reali Earnefls of immortality, and endleffe peace, not the bell of unregeneratemen haveany part, or acquaintance. Onely fome confided glimmerings of filch glorious light, may fometimes fuddenly, like flafhes of lightning, glance upontheir deceived foules, thorow the fàlfe glalfe of a tem- porary faith ; but it Roth not reftupon, nor is rooted in their hearts, like theSonne of Righteoufnae in fanetified foules, to the heating of them with that Prong and victorious love to the wales of God, which neither the whole fea ofthe 1 worlds malicious bitterneífe, nor all the floods of perfecu- tion, (which the Dragon calls out of his mouth) can ever quench ; , Cant.B. 6,7.