Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

to DifccurJe of true happznef. 201I quench ; with that found and Liftingcomfort, which fbins brighteft amid the greateft darkneflè ofoutwardmiferies ; and that inflamed and conftant zeale, which gathers refolutionand vigour,from difgraces and ungodly oppofitions. And therefore their reverence, and thankefull refpecfl unto Gods fpiritì all Ahriners cannot pollibly be fokindly, hearty, and rooted. Ior theyare but by-Randers, or at belt, but fuperficiall Taflers of thofe heavenly Doles ; whereas Gods children ¡Weedy fill their foules with that immortalifoode,as with themolt deli cus Manna ; and from every fuch fincere comfortable Soule- feaft,carryaway as much by right, as they canpoflibly grafpe in the hand offaith,or digeft by theheat of their fpirituall life. A fecondfpecaltiv`otive then,to drawona joy full and thanke- full reverence from Chriftians towards godly Minifters,is their fpeciall andparticular intereft in all thofe glad tidings of good things, which are at any timerevealed unto them,by the pow erfuli difcoveriesof the Gofppeli of peace, and thofe glorious graces that (lineunto us in the face ofChrift J efus. 3. Every charge and commandement from Gods blellèd Spirit, is right deareandprecious to the humble apprehenti- ons, and embracementsofall fanctified foules ; to which they yeeld an hearty and unreferved obedience and love, though notin fullneffeof perfeftion and height of degree, (this un- glorified Rate of mortality, and thefe Tabernacles of clay are uncapable of fuch abfolutenefhe) yet ever with truth and fincerity ; and that, though it dire t1y and mainely crofl'e !, the naturall current of their earnali affections, and many times interrupt and difturbe the outward peace of their worldly comforts c but all forts of unregenerate men,' even thebeft of them, fubmit their afi4clions and conformity to . the rules of Grace and lawes of God, with their omne fen- fuall refervations, glefles, partiali interpretations of world- ly wifedorne, and ever with a fecret fubordination to their chiefe carnali contentment, and the beloved pleafures of' their bofome fìnne. And therefore they doe not with that afadionateneffe and heedfullneffe, addia and addreflè their hearts to the excellency and execution of the facreST itlates and Roma o. If. Pulp. IN & 119.72