cd Difc©urj oftrue happineffi. worthy Epithets ofMinifleriall excellencies,1anda teflimony ofmuch gracious worth: .That he was a Brother in the Lord, that is,a true Chriflian,and fanftified man. 2.Hiscompanion in labour,a laborious Work-man in the Lords Harveft. 3 .His fel- low-Souldier;couragious and refolute againft the adverfaries ofGods truth,and all ungodly oppofitions, verf. 25. 4.That he longed after,and lovedhis flock with amelting companionate tender heartedne%,ver.a6. 5. That the worke ofChrif} was moredeare untohim then his temporal' life. In the t Thef.S 13. the Minifleriail worke is the load-ifone,mentioned by the Apoflle,which [hould draw fueh a deale ofreverence and ho- norable regard from thehearts ofour hearers: Efteeme themve- ryhighly in love,faithhe,far their Works / k'.Andv.' z.hebefee- ches theTheff"alonianr to take beciall acknowledgement of thofe that laboured amongfl teem, and admonifhed them. WorkingMiniflers then in tome meaturethus qualified,are on- ly the properand naturall objeci of reverent love, andhigh e- fteeme from truly judicious and Chriflianaff_ftions. Bleffed Parslconcludes not within the compaffe ofthis holy Injunfti- on ; 1. Any ignorant unlearned Iviiniflers : forthe Lord him- felfewill refufethat Priefi which refufeth knowledge, Hof.4. 6. 2, Noddleandunteaching Miniflers, who feed themfelves with themilke, and cloath themfelves with the fleece ; but füffer their flocke to ftarve, and their poore foules to lye wallowing woefully in their owne pollutions and blood. ;. No unskilfull Minifters, who will needs teach and can- not ; but are fo farre from devid-ng the Word of god aright ; that theyhacke andmangle it in a foule and fearefull man- ner, ina prophane and pittifullfafhion ; in handling or hea- ring whereof, everyhuinble foule fhould tremble with a fe- cret fenfe, andreverent awfullneffe ofthat dreadful' and glo- rious Majefty, whofemeffage it is. 4. No corrupt teachers, whomingle with the fincere milke of theWord, Popifh poy- fon, pofitions of carnall liberty, and the diflempered Di- tates oftheirowne angry pallions and prejudices. 5. No Dawbers withuntempered morter, or pillow-fowers under mens elbowes, who walke politikly, fearefully and refer- P vedly 203 Ifay 66..z,