Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Sot! e.ß .71 ifcourfe oftrue hdppine f f. Sa. z. verily in theirMiniltery.6.No funsofBelid,vicious&good-fey low-miniffers,asthey call them, whoarea kind ofvery vile & contemptible creatures ; thehatefulleít Objects to an honett eye,ofany that walkupon earth.A diffolute Preacher is theDi- Nell, as they fay, inhis pontificialibus, a thoulànd times more perniciousand hurtful', then an hundred private men, though profeffng víllany in thehigheft degree. For as the excellen- cyofthat Calling is incomparable and tranfcendent ; fo by jult proportion andcongruity of confequence, degenerations . in that kindare molt execrable andpeftilent. Vnfavoury Salt isgood for nothing, no, not for the Dung.hill. To conclude the point : Gods chargeinhis Word to have it fo, is another powerful' andpeculiar motive to a good man, to reverence heartily, andhold inhonourable reputation, an holy Minifter andManofGod. Sec Prov. 4. Theapprehenfions and conceits, which ordinarilyarife 2,. 274 I in a Chriftians heart at theprefence of a godly and graceleffe man,areverydifrent and contrary.Gods child can hardly look upon a fon ofBelilalwith patience, &not without thoughtsof 3'14 averGon and abhorrency;becaufehe knows him to be an enemy toGod, and a traitorto the Crownanddignity ofthat migh, tyLord, his great Matter in heaven : ( thoughhe can heartily (for fo heought) pray long,and labour for(ifGod fopleafe) his converfion andconformity to the communion ofSaints and couri s ofgraces.) But the very face andprefenceofan holy man is wont toproduce in fan }ifiedhearts imprefions ofanon thernature,even ofäffeetionateneffe,honourand love :- ,becaufe he is one that Bands on theLords fide,& for the caufe ofChrift. And it ought fotobe : for the blelfed Spirit bathmarked him fora man that {hall never perish: In ithofe eyesA vileperm iscox- , terse ed;but hehonoureth them thatfete the Lord,Pfil g 5,4, If then to the particular felfe-faving graces ofan, humble: and honeft heart, there be yet further an additionofmore gene rail minifteriali endowments fandified for the falvation of many; and to the pet-foil 'ofaprivate Chriftian, an eminent publike reprefentation of God himfelfe : I meane, if there be in forcebleffed One a gracious and happy concurrence of a