Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

vl Di feourfeoftrue happinej . ZQ5 a good man,and godly Minifter ;. what a dealeof deareft reve- rence andrefpe&ivè love,is it able . (bya facred and fecret at- tratlive power) to drawanddiftill from the fweet and melj tìngfpiritsof thofe trulynoble Ones,who know thewayesof God,& love his Majefty?Hence it was,that Çornelius upon the very firft fight ofPeter,confidering that hewas a qualifiedper- fon, fens and fubftituted by the. Lord for thefurther and fuller unfolding unto him the fecrets of falvation, and myfteries of heaven, was fuddenly ftrucken with fuch an extraordinary ra- vifhingexcefleofadmiration and love, that he fell downat his feet with tender offarre more then ordinary reverence, ande- ven force kindofadoration fo that Peterwasglad to raifeand reproove,him for his tranfgrellon; and immoderation in that kind. This inforced even a King, though otherwife not fo good, yet in a cafeoffeareand danger, with amourufull heart to powreout thefe compaifionate teares upon the fáce of the dying Prophet : O myfather,my father,the chariot oflfrael, and the horfenaen of the fame l Hence,it was; that the- hearts of the Galatians, having tatted of the hidden Manna of the inyftery of -grace (which that great Doecour of the Gen- tiles and Embaffadour of Chrift, had powerfully and plentifully difcovered, and divided amongfl them) were car- ried towards :Paul With that . paifìonate fervency ofSpirit, andexcellency ofunexpreflïble love, that if it had 6eenepofr- ble, they Wouldhave pluckedout their ®true eyes, and have gi- ven them unto ,him: Nay, they received him as an "Ingell of God, yea, as Chrift lets. Thus, thoughcarnallmen feeand difcerne no fuch extraordinary matter and myftery in holy Minifters ; yet the illightned eyes and inflamed affeaions of humble Chriftians, look upon and reverence their per-` fons, as men upon whomthe Lord bath imprefedand ftam ped force remarkable charaaers of Divinity, and as it were force fparkles anddegrees of Majety : that fo with greater power and authority they may publifh to the foes of men the Secrets of heaven, and with more unrefiftablenefïe and gloryexecute that higheft office of the Lords Embafladours. Azealous (then) and ferious cogitation, that ,a confcionable P 2 Mini a6. 2Kin,1;. 14. GaI,4.14e If.