206 C.iâ Defcóurf of true happine. Mini-flay isGodsfandified Ordinance for faving offoals; and that godlyMinihersare theonly men marked out, and main- tainedby thefupreme handofdivme providence,for themana- ging offùch heavenly bufines,isa very powerful and pregnant motive,to plant &preferve in thehearts ofgood men,thoughts offpeciall reverence, and fìngular valuation that way, for the due honoring ofthat holy inflitution,and filch publike Agents ofthemoft inward and important affairs ofGodAlmighty. s. Many moe are the fpeciall and peculiar .motives, which addeftrength, life, and heartineffe, to thatrefpeflive- nelle and reverence which a good man beares to gaily Mi- nifters, whereoftheflateofunregenerationtakes no tafle or notice ; becaufe it is ilarke blinde in the fècret and facred myfleries ofgrace; and naturally uncapable, and uneompre- henfìve ofthe wtfdomeandwayes ofGod, in guiding a blef- fed foule to its endleflèrefl. They are filch as thefe : I. By' 1 their owne experimental) skill, andout of the principles of prac2icall divinity, they are able to fpeake in force meafre, feafonably and comfortably to his heart, perplexed and vext with croflès and hinderances in his way toheaven, as with . fpirituall defertio.3s, uncouth importunate tentattons, hor rourfor force relàpfe, want of prefent feeling Gods ;farour ; with doubts about the foundnefle ofhis fpirituall {late, b1aí- phemous injections of Satan, unchearfbi eflè at godly ex ercifes,dullneffe inPrayer, fearefulneífe of a trembling and tender confcience, andotherfaildiflresfull agonies and 'ac cidents, often and ordinarily incident to fàncfífied foules,, with which unregenerate men are unexcrcifed, and unholy Minihers unacquainted. Helpeand comfort in, which cafes, dorh infinitely indeare the panting and- perplexed- foule to that one of a thossfand which happily hath refrefhing balme Job 33,13 in a readmeffe fbr filch fpirituall bruits, and can feafonabl upon Inch occafiious , declare unto man his Righteotrfne . 3, By the powerful) and prevailing executions oftheir M i- nifleriail authority and charge,. they mightily contradict and oppofe all oppofitions tograce,. theprophaneneffe,, igno- rance, and popifbneffeofthat people and place:where they are