L f .Di feourfe of true happinef. are imployed ; doe their utmoft to batter and beat down the Divels kingdome about his cares, and to put fcoffing If- maels, and Satans fwaggering revellers out of heart and hu- mour : which lothpallinglypleafe that humble foule, which is truly vexed with the domineering impieties, and willfull damnations of thofe finfuil wretches amongft whom he lives. 3. By the. bleflings of God upon their painefull la- bours in the Miniftery, they many times happily encreafethe number, inflamethe zeale, animate the refolutions, and in- fpire continually with frefh heart and life, the communion ofgodly Chriftiansabout them whereby the glory of God, good caufes, the belt men, and godly exercifes, are kept on' Foote and flourifh. Which glorious visible effzets of their confcience and faithfullneffe, doe create and inkindle in the fanc}ified aff clions of a true hearted NathAnnael, a great.; dealeand incomparably more love, rejoycing, and found con- tentment, then the dearth earthly delight, or greateft world- ly comfort canpoflibly. Efpecially, Pith where unpreachingl and unfaithfull Minifters are, he fees and obferves all holy fervices.ordinarily to run into ruine and difgrace; and in ftead thereofereEted (and in rage) both an accurfed dominion of ignorance and prophaneneffe, anda concurrent perfecutionoft fincerity and grace. 4. Nay,I am perfwaded,werethere.no e- ther motive at all,this very one conceit and confederation, that thewantand withdrawingofhisprayers,aff`dionateneffe,and' refpeE1, may be a meanes toweaken and leffen unto him the power andprofitableneflèofhis Min iftery,would be fufficient and ftrong enough,to makea good man reverence and love a godlyMinifter with all his heart.Where(by the way) take no- tice ; that a mans prayer-full reverence, or prophane neglect of Gods Meflengers,may juftly towards him , either inlarge or ftraiten their gifts, utterance, and other Minifteriall blefsings for his greater profit,or more difcomfort.. Now in the laft place:confider a contrary conftancy,& rather confirmation ofreverence in aChriftianheart toGods faithful- left meffengers in thole cafes;wherin I told"youbefore,the for- merrefped ofthe formali hypocrite is ordinarily diflodged and turned intoheart-riling. F 3. Fixft, >. Zo7 11111.4.01!1111W