Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Difeourfeoftruehappinefji. I. Firk For the point of preflirig the Law, and preaching júdgement. I. Gods child feeling himfelfeverlaftinglyacquit ,freed,and protectedby thebloodand mediation oftheLambe, from the terrour,ofGods Tribunall,and from.the curfe and poyfon ofall the judgements in his Book;canheare and digeft froma Sonne ófthunder, the moft terrible denunciations of damnation and deathagainft impietyand impenitency,with apleafed andjoy- full patience,with anhumbleand holy triumph. His cogitati- ons and fore-thoughtsofhis diffolution,lying in the grave, cur- fes ofthe Law, Gods Judgement-feat, that laft and dreadful! Day ; ofhell,damnation,and thofe endleffe flames arenot min- gledwith fuch fervile apprehenfions of flaviih horrour, as are wont tokeep fenfuall men and fons ofpleafure in a perpetual! Iieb.a. i g wofull flavery,andtoplunge them into many fits of impatien- cy,for being lb tormented before their time. 2. The difcovery and denunciation of Gods wrath and juft indignationagainft finne, is wont to beget in fanfdified hearts, an increafe. bothofhumbleneft, bruifedneffe, broken- heartedneffe, fpringing from a conhderation of the aided- neffe,oftheir, natural! Bate, and damnableneffe' of their daÿes ofvanity ; and alloof thankfulneffe arifing out ofa fenfe of their glorious deliverance, andenlargement from theanger of God, and all thofecurled confequents and confufions which naturally grow thence. The former wherofmakes way for a great deale ofinward peace, fpirítuall joy, more familiarity withGod,further revelationof'heavenly fecrets, and a com- fortable growth, andkindly enjoyment ofall graces, &c. For the lowlieft mind is ever highei} in Gods books : The hum- bleft heart hath ever the greateft rhare, and taftes the molt fweetnes in the comfortsofgodlineffe, and the favourofGod. Theother doth powerfully draw on thecontinuance and addi- tion ofGodsblefsings in great abundance and variety. For are- verent acknowledgement, andhearty thankfulnesfor grace re- ceived(as withnobly mindedmen,fo infinitely more with the moltmercifull God)is aright powerfiill means and ftrorig mo- tive to keep him gracious ftill;and both to inlargeand fweeten the,