Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

DifcourJ of happinef. I thecomfortablecurrentofhis compaffons and bounty towards us.Confcioufnes and fenfeofwhich worthy effects, no marvel' though it make the lharpef edge of the Sword of the Spirit, feafonablyapplied,welcom toa well fpiritually tempered foul. 3. It is the property of true hearted Profeífours, not to live and lye in any known. finne, withpurpofe, pleafure,and perfeverance ; but upon the difcovery of every corruption or unlawfull courfe, to be glad and ready to be rid by the blood of Chrift and mortifying grace, out of Satans invi fable tyranny, even in that particular alfo : and alto to carry in their hearts, an habituall, fetled, and chearfuil relolution to pleafeGod in allthings. And therforeifanymore fearch_ ingSermon, or piercingpoint difclofe unto them fome new depth or fiiare of Satan, unnoted frailty, unacknowledged corruption, difiempered pafsion, or crooked by-path; the omifsionoffome duty, or fome intermifsion of the exercife of grace, wherof they did notformerly`takenotice, or have beene fo fenfible ; theyare fo farte from returning ferret .ma- lice, or open mifchiefe for foholy a meffage, that theydepart home more joyfully and contentedly; blefsing that happy hand which carne fo home unto their hearts; and heartily' prailing God for that man of God, by whole Miniftery he bath enlargedtheir knowledge to the underftanding of fome newneedrull duty ; or illightned their confciences to the difcovery of force lurking dole infirmity; by performingI theone, or mortifying the other, they may happily hope and expect for afterwards, to purchafe more comfort to their hearts,morepeace to their confciences,more boldneffe in their wayes, more chearfulneffe in theexercifesof -Religion, more familiaritywithGod, andencreafernent of graces. For the more exact and univerfall we are in the works of mortifi- cation, and wayes ofnew obedienc-e; the more fully and fee- lingly (hall we tafle and partake ofthe pleafures of grace,com- forts ofgodlineffe, and nearer acquaintance with theLord of heaven. 4. Chriftiansdelire to preferve their foules in purity and peace; and therfore arewell pleafed to have the cleare Chry- (tall