Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

vt Difcourfe oftrue happinefe. !tall ofthe Moral' Law the oftner prefented to theeye oftheir underftandings, by the powerful! hand ofa confcionable Teacher; that upon the difcovery and reprefentation, they may labourto have theirfpots, pollutions, and fpirituall de- formitieswa aed away,bythe foie foul-favingblondof Chriff; and teares ofunfained repentance : and Io make them appeare bothmore amiable and lovely tothemerciful' eyeofGod, and morepeacefull and comfortable to the fight and cenfure of their own confciences. 5. Seafonable and ferious ponderations upon the purity and exaftneífe of Gods Commandements, put into themby preaching the Law, and application of the !freight line of Gods righteousJudgements, to the irregularities of their crooked lives, are very powerful' meanes to calf Chriffians with towlieft proftration of heart een into the duff, and holy detefration of themfelves, which is their higheff hap- pinefl'e upon earth; for it drawes the glorious Majefty of Heaven, with a nearer and more contented reridence into their humbled foules, and makes thempartakers ofthat thrice precious promife :I/y 57.t5. Thuf, fidehe, that is high and excellent, he that inhabiteth eternity, Whofename is the Holy One : y dwellin thehigh andholyplace : Withhimalf3 that is ofa contrite andhum?lefirit,to revive the .Ffirit of the humble, and to give f to them that are ofa contrite heart. 6. Gods children are not wont to beare with, or allow themfelves in the breachofanyCommandement : and ther- fore come unto theMiniftery ofthe Word with Cornel, folution, ready to Men with reverence and contentment; and to fitbmit with fincerity and truth unto all things com- manded them from Godby his Meffenger. They are willing tohave the whole will and counfell of God revealed unto them, whether it appeare in the revelation of his jail wrath againft Cnne; whereby they may be kept in awe and ten- dernefl'e ofconfcience, in an holy feare and obedience Unto him : or in the comfortable difpenfation of grace and par- don to true Penitents, and the humble hearted; whereby Theypoffeffe their foules in peace andpatience, in defpight of the