! Di f ourfe oftrue happine. the utmoft rage, both ofall earthly and infernall powersand oppofitions.I hey areas well content tohave theirhearts fom- times foundly and fearchingly ript up and anatomized by the SwordcftheSpirit:as tohave their confciences refrefhed with the bloodoftheLamb,oriently frreaming thorow the promi- fesoffalvation and life.But it is not fo with thewicked : their hearties aff:c' ions towards the preachingand pra&ifing ofthe Word,are frill mingled 'with fecret exceptions againfr force points,andfenfuall refervations offome finfull haunts.There is ever one commandement or other, which they would not willingly have expounded, or be urged with the righteous judgements therof.There is fotne fin or other, againfrwhich tE-ey would gladly find nocurfoin theBookofGod,no trial at h:s Tribunall,no flames in that fiery Lake. Theyare pallìngly pleafed with difcoutfes ofmercies, pardons, and compaf- lions, though they have nopart in them ; and frill cry out for theCordials of the Gofpell : but they will not poffibly en- dure the Corrafives ofthe Law, firft to confume and mortifie their corrupt flefh, or fuaer with patience the feverity of judgements and divine vengeance for finne, to be charged upon their guilty confciences. And no marvel], for indeed by a fecret confcioufneffe they find then-delves liable to all thofe fearefull honours. Herod was conformable in many things, andwell enough content to heare »ha 73aptifl in o- therpoints : Eut whenhe laid the edgeof the feventh Com- mandement tohis falfe and lufrfull heart, it cut his very gall, which fhouldhave cured his guiltineffe. Andbecaufe that ho- lyman laboured fo fait,hfúlly with the fwordof the Spirit, to cut afunder that cart-rope ofiniquity, which as yet kept him faft bound under the bondage ofhell, he cut off his head. HadPaul addrefr andappliedhimfelfe to the humour of Fe- lixandDr41la, and (as they expeaed) entertained the time, and pleafed their cares with a generali plaufible difcourfe, and thepleafingnewes ofthepaffions and rich purchafes of Chrift, by his late unvalua.ble bloodfhed ; they had heardhim (no doubt) with great delight and greedineffe, and binextra- ordinarily ravifht with the powerfull fweetnelfe ofhis facred eloquence. 2II Manó. i Aft.z4. 26.