Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

2I2 II. c11 iifeourfe oftrise_happáne . eloquence. But when that carnall couple ofprophane great Ones perceived once, that that good manwent foprecifely to l work,and with fuch ftrange unexpected refolution. firuck pre- fently home into thevery heart oftheir darling pleafutes, by oppofìng purpofely and particularly,.a piercing terrifyingSer- monofrighteoufne fJ"e, temperance, andthe iuddereentto come, a- gainft their covetous, laffull, andcareleí1 humours, he was prefently filenced andPent to prifon. Thus,ánd for fuch caufesas tbefe,preaching the Law,and£ez fonable preffingofGods plagues and judgements againfl fin,is, everwelcome to the calme and compofedafftaions oflánfti fledmen,and increafeth in tlzem,eftimation,revercnce,and love towardsgodly Minifters for*err refolution,faithfulnefíe, and unrefervednes in that regard:wherasordinarily it begetsin uc-- regeneratehearts,much unhallowedheat, rage, andpallionate diftempers;which toooftenbreakout into thunder and light ning,fforms and tempefts againft ,?ohnBaptif; cMicaiah, and thofeother Ones ofa thoufandofthat noble and refoluterank. Secondly, ínthe otherCafe, wherin ordinarilythe formali Hypocrites reverence to reverendMinifters,is turned intoheart riíing;which is upon theparticular difeovery,andxeftleffepar-- faitofhisbofome fin,by the light ofrhe Word,.. and terrors of the Law, (as I toldyou largelybefore) I fay,inthis = Cafe,con-, ceivethusof the Chriftian The fin of his bofom, before he was converted, made thegreateft breach and deepeft gaih., into his confcience :. in thetravellofhisnew-birth, it colt him the molt teares, foreft pangsand heavieft groanes ; fince it huh come upon him, to thegreat griefeofhis heart, withthe molt powerfullaffaults, . and cunningeft. infinuations for re-entry and repoffellion; and he well knows, that"upon relapfe into fome old, or lurprife with fome new fin , it would return into his re- membrance with apparitions of extraordinary horrour and flingsoffeare ; andwill, if the Lord in his laft ficknes (for triall, example, or fomeother fecret end, -fees and teeming goodunto-his holy wifdome) f ffer him to pofeffe the ini- quities of lot: fah), flare his affrighted confcience in the fact