Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

t 4 Difcourfe of true happine e. face with moff grizly formes and dreadful' reprefentations of wrath : and therefore he apprehends, and embraceth greedily and with comfort, any matter or meditationfrom the Mmifiery of the Word, which may any way helpe to terrifie,mortrfie,andkeep under tuck an accurfed enemy tohis peace,and troubler ofhis fpirituall fíate. And befides, heha- ving by the mercies of*God, mortifying grace, andpower of Chriils blood, efcaped the vengeance, crufht the head, and broke the heart of it;canheare itpurfued andpaied homewith denunciations of thofe }aft plagues and terrors, which are na- turally proper therunto,patiently,andpleafedly ; even with an holy fecurity, and fecret humble thankfull exultation : Wheras it is ordinary withunregenerate men, to betranfported with extraordinarypaffion and impatiency, efpecially at the parti- cular difcovery and damnation oftheir Darling delight.Herod gave eare with reafonable moderation to other reprehenfions; but when theBaptiff cenfured with a facred feverity hisfweet finof luftfull pleafures,he grew fo prodigioufly mad, that he chokedhis own foul with theblood ofthat blefled man. Thirdly,concerning points andperfwafions that preffe moll, andfir up principally to anholy precifenes,excellency ofzeal, belt improvement oftheir graces, &c. Gods children arefweetly and gracioufly covetous- in fuch cafes. The bell men carry in their hearts the higheft mea- fure of an holy indignation againft themfelves, and deepeil deteftation of their owne corruptions, imperfections, . and aberrations, from the will of God and way of life : and their fanâified affetions are molt inflamed with unwea- ried delires, and refileffeafpirations after new increafement fill, and frefh additions of grace; after a fironger Faith, more reale, greater comfort, fincerer fervices, nearer fimi liarity with God,&c. Hence it is,that theholieff. Chrifiians complaine moil of their unworthinefle and fpirituall infuf . ficiencies, oftheir dulneffe in Prayer, naughtineffe of heart, . fcantneffe of godly forrow, unchearefulneffe at religious exercifes, unprofitableneffe by the Miniflery, unheavenlineffe oftheirthoughts, failings in their obedience, and fuch vex- Qz ing 2I3 Luk.;. 29 Matk.6.