214. Rev.;, s 6. vt Difcourfe oftruehappinejfi. ing infirmities ever fooneft difcovered, and molt bewailed by the moltillightened and tendereft confciences ; and that alto for the molt part they never meet God in privateupon theirknees, but their hearts burne within them withunut- terable longings and pantings, at the leaft, for fupplies and abilities, todoe unto their deareRedeemer, the bell and ut- moff fervice they can poffibly; that theymay looke him in the face with more comfort, when they !hill come to his Tribunall. The petformances ofGodschildren by the grace ofGod, aremany, their endeavours more; but their defies endleffe, and never fatisfied with their meafure cf obedi- ence. Whereuponit follows, that upon theopeningof any frefh fountaine, by a fearching Miniftery, of diviner do- etrines, exatier points, and more holy precifeneffe for pra- etife offan&ification, and further perfe&ion inChriftianity, their hearts are wont to be comfortably enlarged, and to drinke heartily. They are 'many times in their retired con- templations much grieved, and very angry with them (elves, that their merciful! God fhould be fo endlefly and immeafurablykindand compaffionate unto them, Wormes and no men ; and yet they fo cold, cowardly, and heartlefl:, in thankefull retributions of fervices and obediences to fo glorious a Majeffy: and therefore are well enough pleafed withthepreffingofquickningScriptures ; that thereby they mayget morefpirituall life into their hearts, more heat in- to their zeale, comfort into their confciences,andby themer- cies ofGod, more mafineffe and glory unto their Crownes of immortality. But lukerwarme Profeffours have not fo much as anheartydelire tobe morehot in Religion ; and are often much vexed toheare it plainly prooved unto their facesand falfehearts, that withóut more forwardneffe and zeale, they (halt neverbe faved,or fee the faceofGod. P1NIS,