TO THE RIGE3T H(JIeiOVRABLE, AND T RV L Y NOBLE, EDWARD Lord Mountague ofBottgbton, a fruit- full increareot all heavenly graces; and all watchfull preparation for the glory that íhall be revealed. Much Honoured and NobleLord, Lthough the eminency of your other perfonall worth , great Wifedome, andnobleparts, a fuf icient attrahive to every hone& heart, by reafon of the particular . intere& it bath in the common Rate of good- neífe ; or your fpeciall - bounty tomy felfe , which ought to &irre up an ingenuous mind, toapprehend any opportunityof due and deferved acknowledge- ment; or your publike deportment in the face of our country, fo worthy, and honourable, and ma- naged with fuch true honey , grave moderation, and Noblenefïe of fpirit, which cannot but draw A a from