The Epifile Dedicatory. from every heart truely found to our great Lord in Heaven, and His Royall Deputy our hightfiSove. raigne upon earth , a great deale of reverence and love;Ifay,though any of thefe feverally,might exact fromme, a more ex;,a& abledemonflration ofthe thankefull devotions ofmy heart:yet,my Lord,(and youmay beleevc me ) there is another thingbetides al thefe,which was the ítrongefi,and aloft predomi- nant motive to quickenme to this Duty, and Dedi- cation ; evenyour fi acere and invincible affection to the Gofpell of lerur Chrifi, His faithful! Minifters, and molt precious Wayes. And this,to tell you the truth, is farre the faireft and molt orient flower in the Garlandof all your goodneffe, and incompara. b1,ÿ aboveall yourgreatneffe, wereyou advanced e- ven to deferr;nay,ro the higher topofal.earthly fe- licities,and mortal.honor.For howfoever the world ever brfide itfelfe inpoint of falvation , and ftarke . blind in the right apprehenfionof Heavenly things, doth doteupon guildedmiferies , flinging vanities, a tae juílortni golden fetters;andwickedly deemes a ¡wild: ofpari- fimpliciras Bed- thehei ht0 011 detur: gala aU t y g ff y:yet I can affirmyou in the Word atujtpic :tib us ue pdi ttr ra- ta- oflife and truth;the richeí, and rareft confluenceof i tis virtus,faruitas all humane happineffes the moll exquifite excellen- creditar. Greg. in ï6: I2' °b pan. cy, andvariety of the greaten worldly pompeand fplendonr, thatever the Sun faw, fnce the firft mo- më: of itscreation,or (hall lookupon while it things b Et in Heaven, is but din in the ballance, to onegraine penances ditran- ofgrace it is but b Bulb to an humble mind, Paving- pereuntes &Bran_ 4 rroriæ facultares, tifi ítermiaater- ly allighrnedwith a fáretat, but ofthe leafrgiimpfe ta dtlibenubus ofthat incomprehenfble, endleffeglory which fhall funr? Gre$.rn 2. es,t42. 2> fhorclybe revealed: It is all in the truevaluatjon,but