Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The EpiIlleDedicatory. as a vaine cfrhoake;which dothnot onelyvanifb, as no ha ba e c N°I1 deben pro it rifeth and utterly loofeth it felfeat the higheft;but honor quia nul I Ois eft atfodraw teares from a mans eyesinay,at laft,wrings p enderis fumes. the very heart- ftrings of every impenitent foule, with that extrerneft everlaftinghorror,whìchwould built ten thousand hearts, ferioufly, and fenfibly to thinke upon before hand. It is not onely vanity, but alfovexation ofOirit Let worldly wifdome fay what it will, and hold them Deo,otefilprivc inclancholike, andd madde d who by thehelpe ofthe holy Ohoft hold a confiant te,mundu?1 coo countermotion to the courfeof the world, and cor- reti7ilne7i:njuna' ruptionofthe time that they may keepe a goodcon- c°11cri°11'c fcience, the richedtreafure, and deareft Jewell that ,:ifert:ri;,,entfenlr iocefc;ue,,e;, ever theheart ofman wasacquainted with,who infi- nitely defire, rather tobe religious, than rich ; to be r7gtr'e," oisri good, than great ; toenjoy the favour ofGod, than Crjftj snidoinvt the foVeraignty, and pleafures of all the kingedomes ofthe earth : yet affuredly, whenall is faii,and trul y fumrued up; it is onely the true feareofGodsbleffed Name; a zealous forwardneffefor himglory, good- 'n,vitig'iLliad,,e(),Z.L',nntrt rieffe,ancl good caufes,at this day, unhappily, and to :u"d'i;;;,--%='- itn4ra the ruineofinfinite foolcs,called by the world prao. e""le Do- maticalneffe, and toomuch precifeneffe which can truely beautifie, and adorne, bothall otherperfonall .g He. faffiCienCieS ; and indeede fandifieandWife all pub- le-ols'I'bilitas like imply ments and fervices ofState. For the firft : ticgateleara":F° tbitis, &c AProfeffor even fomethingPopifb, doth yet truely tpach,thatcHeroicallnobility,is n illuflrious eminencyln7-» fining in a manby theheatientyinfu,To,is ofrupernattera nobai,,,, grace,rohereby he is made by adoption thepnne God.."' te'1":Siatnn a's:fin! litat,nthilprofi - a:hesp.e#,re ofckrill theTemple ofthehuly Gboflovith4it which all other Nobiliiies are nothingin,t wdrth abut- ton. Da noMitate. A 3