Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

The Epí eDedreatory. ion. Suppofe afaireand goodly hone to the eye, as exquifitely featured,colourd,paced,as that fainedby Bartac,to be managed byCain;yet ifhewanted met- tle,he were worthnothing toa manoffpirit.Give me the moft magnificent glorious Worldling, that ever trodupon earthly mould; richlycrownedwithall the ornaments, and excellencies of nature, art, policy, preferment,or what heart canwith befides;yet with out the life of grace to animateand ennoble them, he were to the eyeof heavenly Wifedome,but as a rot- tcn catkaffetluckeoverwith flowers,magrifieddun , ftuilded s ottenncße,golden damnation.gnd that which Is more dreadfull ; when the funneofhis fhort Sum- mers day is fet, the hot glea-meof tranfirory profpe- ritie paft, and the bitter tempeftuous Wintersnight ofdeath approcheth ; fromwhich all the Gold and Pearle ofBrali &Weft can nomore deliver him than can an handful!of daft : I fay, then (hall be powrcd upon his head,that terrible fhowreoffnares,jre,and brimftorte, andan horrible tcmpefi. His foul(: finkes im- mediatlyin a moment into the depthof remedileffe mifery, and is defperatelyplunged for ever into the bottome of the burning Lake. Hisbodydefcends in- to the grave, as intoadungeon of rottenneffe&hor- ror,arrefted,as it were,by thefecond death,in thede- vils name, and at lengthhaled anddragged unto the terror of this great and IALay; where no creature can refcuehim, notnountaine cover him, from that unquenchable wrath,andnever -dyingworme,which i(l,all everiaflingly,day and night feed upon his foule and flefh. t'hereas now,on the other fide,that poore negle6ted One,whobath in truth given his nameun- to