04.E**111Oak:P n0 10 4'II 9 °X14° 1 +°A 4,:s+s+. 44.1 .4- t Agenerali Analyfis of the whole Treatile. Ervantsof God jingular from others in Santlity°, Purity, &c. Pag.z Godsfreegrace thefountaine ofall ourgood. 9 Hiswonderful! mercies tous, our horrible ingra. titude. 12 Perfnallgoodnef bringscomfort andbkffïngs up- onpof#erity. r8 Truefavinggrace never loft. 22 Cautions andmeaner ofperfeverance. 25.27 Gods fervants mull notferve the times. 28 EveryChriliiansdutieto walks with God. 29. The reams. 3© T o the performing ofthis there are E. Generall preparatives. 1. WIat it is, 35 ' i.Abandon re folvsdly 2. what thineis. 36 thy beloved'bane: See 3. Thine owne impof{ure in exchanging it. 38 s. Hate bypocrifee. 43. Many bers guilty, meere pretenders to Religion. ibid. Particularcallingnot tobe left. 48 3.1luild thyrefolutionon that main princpall,Selfe-deniall. 5 i 4. Live the life offaith;foveraigne in all affaults. 53 5. Settle in thy heart aright conceit gibefubfiance, power,andma- terialsofChriflianitie. 57 4.Forti fie thySpirit againfi the caner ofworldly mindednefe. 6o 7. Be infinitely ravifht with the love ofGod. The motives. 6r S. `Prize invaluably thefruition ofGodspkafed face. 62 9.Watchover thyheart and ¡,eepe it in afpiritual temper. 63 io. Meditate on thyfutureblife. 64 Ç 2 Direaions