The Analyfis. 3. urall aelions, thuskGluttny. 165 Rgatnfi Drun enne e,Healthin . 6 ¿ExcefJive f eepe. (`J3oe at thouwouldeIt bedone by. 207 (Genierall i Abhorre wrongful and uncon fetonabledealing. 210 Here refire not, delight Mot) rent, thy bofèmeJinnes pa- ",,t-'' i S immoderately in any Thou wilt finde thyfefe inJa- 5 i earthly thing, For g tiable,un /at isfìkti1C. 219 V Particular 1. Enter upon it conveniently, 234 4- for 2.17fe it comforta- Common to both. 237 Marriage. bl :here areduties Peculiar I3us.and, 244 i to the2Wife. 250 Spiritnall. 257 5. trorke,sof ar 205 mercy at well `orporall, tillotives toalmes-deedes, 26r Gods childrenfal fly charged withcovetoufneffe, worldlinefe : oc- caponsof this imputation, 276 Earthly mindednebe infinitely unbecen,ming an /mite of hea- ven.) f I. The myfierie offelfe- deceit opened, 299 .. ,Sep aa'mi- 2. Worke ofgrace in the true convert; 308 Á ration,oroud Saniified 3. men may be afJüred of theirfi- over pri ing. ritseal1faf tie. 317, and how of our ozone 4, Soundperfwaflion difiinguifbedfrom de- ..z ti t 1 graces 294. lulion. 329 tl Here, S.Preftrvatien againfl overweening. 341 Againff the heavy, fad,, penfave x -,t 2.`D e jrcied:difirefifull walking of fumeSaints. 354 ';, undervaluing of Godse1Reallcaufes andmotives oftheir tia mercies,ourgraces,the6 joy. 359 pronnifesoflife. ' Here Conceits,and cocafions of difcom- forts, removed.. 380