TheEpi/Ile Dedicatory. to Chrift and his gainefull fervice, perhaps by the World ttiofl difdainefully and contemptuoufly tram- pled upon even in theduff, with the feeteofcruelty and pride;at leaft molt certainly,ever made extreme- ly vile,and contemptible by theviUanyof ftongues, homochr.fler, and g cruellmockings;yet is fuch an One as the World arras cogitate to not worthyof: in the meane time,in themeaning of praicere,inci the holy Ghoftha Crowne ofglory in the hands of/eho- aPditjdatnil t gmás 4vah,asbeautifulland amiable,asthe blood of Chrift uieuuqueatas and his glorious robe can make him; crowned full nondum pu43u& nondum gloriouflywith i Cods owne cop/111;4ewhich heybath e prot (l, ficit ; quß_ pat uponham; defigned-fromall eternity in due time, cunq; ii(as n°n ( for fo his fanEtification nowaffureshim) to weare cóßrut proft an everlafling Crowne of bliffe. And when his pii care. 6ugu(1 do grimage ispaft,death is tohim theday -breakof eter- Pint. 1 19. nail brightneffe. Vpon hisTaft bed, hisbleffed foule 3 81" i'. 3 6, fhaii finde that frefh bleeding Fcuntaineforfinand i, :c?. 6. =,3. for uncleannefe fet wide open unto it, by the handof ' EzC`t' Ie' i Faith, ready now at its departure,to raze out the laft finfull thine ; it may confidently, in theName of Chrift call it felfe into theopen armes, enlarged bo- wels, anddeareft embracements of the Father ofall mercies : It may feele the glorious prefenceof the fweeteft Comfort, prefenting unto it a foretafie of Heavenly joyas :It shall have the laft fweetneffe,and triumphant truth of allthe promifes oflife, able to confront and confound the utmoft rage, and very Powder plot ofallthe powers ofdarkeries,madegood unto it:a mighty guardof bleffed Angels (hall attend upon it; wai ingwith longing and joy toBeare it tri- umphantly into the bolome of Abraham. Hisbody Hall gee into the grave,as into a chamber ofreft,and A 4 be