Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

b 'MeEpiffbe Dedicatoy. bedofDowne,fweetly perfumed unto it, by the fa. cred body ofthe Sonne of God lying in the Grave; locked there full fall with thebarres ofthe earth, and fenced with the omnipotent Amie ofGod,asa rich Jewellin a Cnketofgold,untill the Refurredion of the juft.And t ,en,atter their joyFollett meeting, and glorious re-union, theyQaall both be for ever tilled with all thofeunmixedpleafures,bleifed immortali- ties,and crowned joyes,which the dwelling placcof God,rhe gloryof heaven and the inexhaufted foun- raine ofall- bliíl°e, iehovahhimfelfe blefïed for ever, can affoord.Now let the fcornfulleft oppofite to the power ofgodlineffe, tell mein cold ¡blood tvLethèr that honorable wretch, or this honeft man be more truelyunoble and happy For the fecund : So n.tturall faith g Hooker,io theunion ofReligion withjuftice, that wemay boldly deeme,there is neither,whereboth are not. For how fhould they beunfainedly just, whom Religion doth,rot caul to befnch;or they religious,2vhich arenet found(uchbytheFroofe oftheir juft aciions»ftheywhich imploy their labourandtravell about thepublzckeadmi- niftration oflance,follow it only iaa Trade, with un- quenchable,andunconfcionable thirft ofgaine,beingno inheart perfwaded thatlufiice is Gods owneWorke, and themfIves his Ahents in the bufineffe, thefen.tense of right,Gods ownverdill,drthemfelves hisPriefls todeli- verit;formalitiesofjape do but[erue tofinether right, andthat which was neceffarilyordainedfor thecommon good, is throughfhamefull abufe,made the cartfe ofcom- monmifery . Full well did this !carped man perceive, and rightly apprehend,that the urity and powerof Religiona1one,doth truly honour all Honours, dig- nifie