TheEpiffleDedicatory. dignifie all dignities, aEtuate withacceptation & life all moral venuesandendowmentsofart, fweeten alfl.. government, firengthen all States, fettle fait all Im- periali Crownes upon Princes heads : That it is no . humorous conceit, but a matter of found confe,. quence, that all, either perfonall duties, or imploy- ments of State , areby fo muchthe better perfor- med,by how much themen are more religious,from whofe abilities the fame proceed:That whenHeaven is made too much to ftoope toEarth: Piety to Policy; Publikegood,to privateends; thereauthority is imbit- stered, inferiors plagued, and too often, Law and lu- (lice turned into Wormewoodand rapine. He truly inti- mates, what adeale ofhurt is done, what a worldof mifchiefe is many times wrought,infenfibly and un- obfervedly;when a wicked wit,and wideconfcience weld the (word ofauthority.For it is eafie,and ordi- nary for a man fo mounted,by legal fleights;putting foule bufineffes intofaire language; & by a diffembled pretence of deeper reach , to compaffe his owne ends either for promotionof iniquity; or oppretli- onofinnocency : efpecially,fithhe knowes himfelfe backs with that Principle in policy : it is not fife to queftion.or reverfe tranfa lions of State, though tainted perhaps with fome impreflions of mifcarri age and error : and that it is holden a Solxcifme in State-wifdome, and unfeemely,for private innocen cy to conteft toobufily with pairages of publike Tribunals.Thefe things I thus difcourfe,and declare unto your Lordihip, to reprefent unto you thevani- ty of that honor, which is not directly and fincerely the honour of God :(at thebelt, it is bur