E':ov.;;a7. The Epifile Dedicatory. but abreath, andyet not able to blow fo much , as onecold blaft upon ungodly great Ones, when be- ing fuddenly carried from their (tardy and futnpru- ous dwellings, they (hall be tail into unquenchable flames.) To let you fee the excellency,and worthof thofe happy wayes, to which it bath pleafed the Lord ofHeaven, out of his fpeciali mercy, to bend the eye of your Noble miede : and that you may know what it is alone bath hadpower , andrhe pre- rogative, ( and fhall for ever, in whomfoever takes Gods parr) to make you, both more truely honou- rable inyour Selfe, and more faithfully ferviceable toour King and State; both to calf a Diviner luflre uponyour perfonall venues, and to make your ma- nagingofpublike bufinefl'es ( many times moll un- worthily fwayed awry,by that foule fiend,Fation, partiality, and private ends ) worthy, confcionable and P.A. For which, every hone& eye in our coon. trey that lookes upon you , blefleth you ; and (hall mourn mo& bitterly for your abfence from amongtt us , when you (hall be glorioufly gathered toyour Fathers. So let all that truely love the Lord tefird, His blefi'ed Golpe!, and Servants , head the Stone, when bee goeth forth in hid might , and at laft full fweetly fer in the boundlefïe Ocean of immortal! blifíe. In thefe wayes of Life, my Noble Lord, which in the fenfe and cenfure of Truth it felfe, are wayes ofpleafure,andpathes offweete& peace; it is the infinite dcfireofmy heart, and drift of this Treadle I now offer into your Honours hands , that you would (till advance forward , and doemorenobly &ill. That youwould improove to the utmoft, the height