TheEpifile Dedicatory. height ofyour excellent Vnderflanding toa further, and more full comprehecfion of the e9Ytyffery of thrift; which though it be a Sealed Booke to the fharpeté fight of the molt piercing humane wife- dome; yet reveales to every truely humble, fpiri- tuall eye, the rich and Royall trealures of all true fweetneflè,contentment and peace. That you would hold it your greatelt honour and happinefíe, as it is indeed to grow 1fill in rait lne¡e a in ever ood a COior.i.i f f JI ci bRom.iz.ii> Worke; in b fervency of (frit, in c puritie, in d ¡lea- e i Ioh.3.3. venlyvmindednefe,in e precif walking,&c.with fngu- d CoPlhiofl.;.. 20. lar warchfulneffe, and the more punduall, and fie- e Ephef Y 15: quent fearch and perufall of your fpirituall Bate; both becaufe the depths and delufionsof Satan are molt intricate and infinite: and becaufe Not many no- ble, 6.c. a Cor. r. g 5. That ye would hold on in that valiantneffefor the Truth,andall good cauîes; which ordinarily gathers vigour and puiffanceproportio- nably to the fwelling furyof all adverfary , either mortal! or infernali powers : Ever patiently paging by with generous magnanimirie, and brave con- tempt, all the vile f raylings and contradictions off fob 30.8,9. Satans Revellers , and Popifh infolency ; ( For 6; 125.'15'1" vainely to affedi the acclamations, and applause ofqu e,quamufàn worthleflé men : or tobe dcje&ed unmanlily. with Etnm quids ex No 'theirunjuft accufations and anger ; are bothequal- bus ad Deum ly ignoble, and rraoft Unworthy a Honour, man of converti it f atim honorera nobilitatis omit- tit : autquantus in Chriftianopopulo honor Chrifli eft, ubi religio ignobilem facit? Statim enimut quitmelor effe tentaverit, 4eterioris abjeaione catcatur , acper hoc omnes gaodammodo mali elfe coguntur, ne viles habeantur. Ica feculum totum iniquitatibus plenum eftut aut malt fìnr,qui funt la illo,aur qui boni funt, multorumperfecutione crucientur. Si honoratior quifpiam religioni fe appli_ cuerit, illicó honoratus effedefiflit Si fuerit fplendidiffimus,ft viliflimus. Si fuerit totusbono_ is, fir totus injuria Si bonus eft quifpiam, quali malus fpernitur : Si eft malus,quafibonus Nihil¡toque mirum, fi deteriora quotidiè patimur, qui deteriores quotidie fumus. Sal-, viones, `De vera jolie:, 'Is' proeidentia Der. ta1. 128,t29. .and