of Mi. Bolton. 15 pingand begone. Mr. Boltonmet at theday andplace, but Mr. Andettoncamenot, and fo hee efcped that fnare,and Tooneafter re- turned toBrafen-Nofe,where falling intothe acquaintance of one° Mr. Peacocke Fellow of that Houle, a learned and godly man, itpleafed GOD byhisacquaintance toframe upon his foule that admirable workeman- ihi-p of his repentance and conver(ìon to eternal! life, but by fuch away ofworking as the LORD feldome ufeth but upon Inch flrongvefclswhich inhis fngular wifdome hee intendeth afterward for firong en- counters and rare imployments. The firft neweshee heardofGoo was not by a- nyLoft andRill voyce , but in terrible tem- pefls andthunder, the LoR D runningup- , d.er.l Z, on him asaGyant, taking himby thenecke x 3. , Æ, andfhakinghim topeeces, as bee did lob; beatinghim to theveryground, as heedid Paul, by laying beforehim theougly vifage ofhisfumes which lay foheavy upon him , mime roared for wideofheart, and fo af- frighted him, as I haveheardhim fay , hee rofe out of his bed in the night for very'