gAnimæ fortis & confiantis ell, porteobluâari his quia avellere mo- liwuur, & nihil facereut homini- bus placear : fed oculum (uno in_ ten.4ere ad ilium infopitum ocu- lum, & ab eo fo- Ihm gloriara ex- pefta,e _ nu1- drmque pili tacere. 1sunranam laudé, vel convida .. fed traníire .ut um- bras& fomnia. xa!úa¢p oasis, anti òrtípavot Mg` ea ,y. ch.yrsq. in cap. 6. gen. H.m.:3. The EpiftleDedicatory: and vertuous ß refolurion.Yours lhalbe the Crowns and comfort, when all Popery and prophanenc(fe !hall lye buried in theduft, and dungeon of Hell. In a word, the thirftie longing of my heart, and heartieft prayer (hall ever be; That you may fhine every day,rnore and more glorioufly in all perfonall fandlitie, plantation ofgodlineffe in your ownsFa- mily, and whereyouhave any thing todoe, and in an holy zeale for Petting forward theaffaires ofGod, when,and vsherefoevcryou have any power or Cal- ling. That when the lait period of your mortali a- bode in this Vale of mares, which drawes on apace, !hall prefent it felfe: You may looks death in the face without dread ; the grave without feare Lord Iefus with comfort; and Iehovah blef ed ver with everlafting Ioy. Thus let all the faving bleßîngs of our molt bountifull Heavenly Father, through fefiys Chrift, by the Holy Ghoft, be lenti- fullyand for ever uponyour Honourable Selfe, and all your Tweet and NobleChildren. TONY Monoursme truly inall fervicesfor thefalvatio, of your Soule, ROBERT BOL.TOliT.