Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Generalf direc`tioisfora alone, the true worfhipof God was conhlde , when all the worldbetides lay drowned in Idolatry and Paganifme,ready tobe fwallowed up intoan univerfall grave ofWaters,which wasalready fafhioned in theclouds by the angry,unrefiflable handofthe all-powerfull God, who was now fo implacably, but moft juftly provoked by thofe rebellious and cruell gene - rations,that He would not fullerHis Spirit toDrive anymore with them; but inexorably refolved toopen the windowes or flood-gatesofheaven,giving extraordinary ftrength of in- fluenceto the Stars, abundance to theFountains of the great eleepes, commanding them to call out the whole treafure, and heapeof their waters ; and taking away the retentivepower from theclouds, that they might powredowne immeafura- bly, for the buryingof all living creatures whichbreathed in the ayre :.Noah and his family excepted. From whenceby the way, before I breake into my Text, take this Note. Daly. The Servants of God are men of fingularitie: I meane it not in refpea of any fantafticalneffeof opinion, fu- rioufneffeofzeale, or turbulencie offaaion,"truely fo called: but in refpe&of abftinence from finne, purifieof heart, and holinefï'e of life. Reafonr: ï. Gods holy Word exaCts andexpelsfrom all Quám mottos that are new-borne, and Heires of Heaven, anexcellencie a- Philorophorü &boneeordinary, Prov.i2.a6..Mat.g.2o.and47. Being taken audivimus, from le-forth as the precien. o the vile, Icrem. 15 . I 9. by thepower gimus, & rpfi °`- drmus can, , of the Miniftery, they mull not onlygoe beyond thehigheft pa- rientes,modelos, d civill perfections of theexa&eft morali Puritane amongst nenteles, anni- the moil honeft Heathens, Heb. r 2. z o but alfo exceed the rtentes, benignos, Sr honores mundi rl hteoufoeffe, and all the outward religious conformities of finial & delicias the devouteft Pharifees , whofefufliciences, LA, i 8. 11, I 2. scrimentes , & a- finial macores jufitia, many thoufands in thefe times come Ihort of, and yet hope ton minus quám tobe Paved : or they can inno cafe enter into the Kingdowoe of Ccientiæ! uo ÿ f edamfine Deohomines ofleudunt quotes à Deo faEfi funt : vide quidChtiniani facerepolfunt, quo- rum in meliusper Chri[lum natura &vita innruEla eft , & qui divinagsoque ratiæ tmanrurauxrlio. ..4uguft..epi.142. d ua non tormenta patiemur, qui cum jubearnur jufttiâ fuperare Pharifaos, Gen- tilibus quoqueinfertores jaceamus ? Quemadmodum igitur, relponde quafö a videbimus regnumfutu- runt? CM"raft. Hom.18. inCan í, Mat. As for thore verthes that belong unto moral! riihteoufneffe, and konefly of life , oee doe not mention them becaure they are not Properonto Cbrsflian men,a they are Chri- fti,en, bogdo cyncerne them sa men, Hocker lib. ;. of Ecclefadit. Politic Heaven,