Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

comfortable walking withGod. Heaven. But left any bee proudlypuft up with fenceof this fingularity, and excellency above his neighbour; let him know, that humility is ever one of the faireft flowers in the whole garlandof his fupernaturall and divine worth; and that feffe-conceitednefle would impoyfon even Angelical) perfe1ion. 2. `f hey mull upon neceifty differ from a world of wic- ked men; by a ffncere fingularity of abilinence from the a Epherz.e. ecourfeof this world; the f kitof men : the * corruptions off z e'ct.+ z. she times; g familiarity with graceleffe companions; the ap °In: 4,11 h worldlings language, prephane (ports : all wicked wayes of thriving, rtfing, and grow ing great m the world, Jrc. rot 4.6 3The make confcience of thofe duties anddivine cow- ` gu; Diaóo . They !um ieguirur, mantis, which the greateft part of men, even in the noone- San orum cotic- tide oftheGofpell , arefo farre from taking toheart, that ópa ,6; their hearts rife againft them : As, to bee hot in Religion, qua qui lleo per- Revel. 3. 16. Tobe zealous of good workes, Tit. 2.14. Tot i oïor- walke* precifely, Epbef. 5 i 5. Tobe fervent in fpirit, Rota tium nequaquam I 2. i i . To firive to enter in at the ftraite gate, Luke 13 .2q.. ®T t.P Toplucke out their right eyes, that is, to abandon their bo- r kxeD . force delights, vltatth,5.29. Tomake theSabbath adelight, Ifai. 58.13. To love the Brotherhood, I `Pet.2.17. Withan holy violence, to lay hold upon the Kingdome of Heaven, Match. r i . 12. 4. Experience, andexamples of all ages,from thecreati- on downeward clearelÿ proove the point. At this time , as you fee the Saints of God were all harboured under one roofe, and yet not all found there. Survey the ages after- ward : the timeof Abraham; who was as a brand taken out ofthe fire ofthe Chaldeans: The time of Elijah, when one appeared to that bleffed man of God : The time of Efaiah, who cryed, Chap. 5 3. t. Who bathbeleevedour report ? The timeof Manaffeh, who built altars for allthe FloffofHeaven, in the twoCourts ofthe Houle ofthe Lord : The time ofAntic- chuu, whenhe commanded theSanctuary, andholy people to bee polluted with Swines-flefh , and uncleanebeafts to bee facrifâced , the abomination of defolation to bee fet up upon B 2 the