Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

Generalsdirez ion, for a theAltar: That darkefome time, when the glorious Day- Scarre,, Chritt Iefus himfelfe, came down, from Heaved ro enlighten the earth : The timeof Autichria,zrhen all the w=orld Pondred after the Beafl : Our times, wherein, of t]xe parts ache earth, fcarce one of the lealt is Chriltian..And vv,at a dealeof Chriltendome is 1íi11ovrgrowne withPopery, and other-exor--itant diftempers in point of Religion And where the truthof Chrilt is purely, andpowerfully taught, how few give theirnames unto it? And of thefe whJ pro- feffe, howmany are fallèhearted or meerely formali ? S.. Me thinkes worldly wifedome fhould rather wonder that any one is wonne unto God;then cry ouc,andcomplained Is is pollible, there fhoutdbe fo few ? Sidi all thepowers of darknefle, and every divell in heil oppofe might and amine the.plantacion ofgrace in any foule: 11th theyare moe loares upon earth, tokeepeus fú11 in the invilible chaìnes of darke- nefleand Gone, then there are ftarres in 'raven : fi,h every inch, every little artery of cur bodies, if it could, would $well withhelhfh venome to thebigneffe of the g4ate1t JCo- liah, the niightieff Giant , . that it might make reliftance to the fan&ifÿingworkeof theholyGhost : fich our foules na- _ turallywouldrather dye, a dput off their immortality and everlafting being, then put on the. Lord Iefus : In a word, 11th thenew creation of a man is holden a greater workeof wonder, then the creationof the world. 6. Laltly, let us fet afide inany Country, City, Towne, Family : Firft, all Atheilts, Papiffs, and diltempered exor- bitants from the bleffed Truth of Doctrine caught in our ;641l° Church: Secondly, all Whoremongers, Drunkards, Swea- 5' revs, Lyars, i Revellers, Worldlings,Vfurers,and fellowes of fuch infamous ranke : Thirdly, all meerely civil' men, who come Ilion of Cato , Faricius , andother honett Heathens, and wanting holineffe, (hall never fee the Lord, Heb. i 3.14. Fourthly, all groffe Hypocrites, whofe outfides are painted with fuperfiaiall flourifhes of holineffe and honelty, but their inward parts filled with rcattenneffe and luft, who have their hands in godly exercifes,when-their. hearts wrenhell. F ftly, all