comfortable walking with God. all formals 'Hypocrites , who are deluded in point of Salva- tion, as were the foolifh Virgins , and that proudPharifee, Luk! 18. i i. Sixthly, all finali back- Hiders, ofwhich fome turne fenfual! Epicures, and plunge themfelves into worldly pleafures, with farre more rage and greedinefhe, by reafon of former reftraint by a temporary profellion; others become fcurrill deriders ofthe holy way; force, bloody goads in the fides of thofe withwhom they have formerly walked into the HoufeofGod, as friends. Seventhly, all unfound Pro- feffors for the prefent, of which you would little thinke, what anumber thereis : I fay, let thefe and all other firm- gers to the puritie andpower of godlineffe be fet apart, and tell mee howmany tiuehearted Nathaneelr wee are like to k finde. k Non poM nnso FPS : I. Try then the truthof thy fpirituall fateby this aio5 plum tan) marke of a fober and fincere fingularitie. If thou 1h11 hot- res, ut inter cos deft correfpondencewith the world, andconformitietothe prorfnsnansonan uppa. t t ieá. fafhions4hereof; if flilLthou fwimrnefl downe the current Nat: gr gnifyuis a- of the times, and fhiftei `thy failesto the fitting of every re :idq;'ápá Winde, ifthine hearthankerHill after the tafleleffe fooleries lea fola sir , of good fellowfhip, and follow the multitude to doe ill; if sp" ` ''2f "t' 47° thoube carried with the fwinge and fway of the placewhere y spa. thou livefl, touphold by a boifterous combination, lewd- neffeand vanity, toprophane theLords Day to fcorne Pro.. feffon, oppofe the Miniftery, andwalke in the broadWay ; In aword , if thoudoeft as the moil' doe; thou art utterly I si turban* inn- undone for ever. But if with a mercifull violence thou bee tari vo1ucrins,ta- pulledout ofthe world, by the power ofthe Word, and hap- hamviatl ,ú:- pity weaned from the fenfuall, infenfible poifonof all bitter- keknoneet. fweet pleafures; and fellowfhip with unfruitful! workes of Serra, 64. darkenefle; If by ftandingonGods fide, and hatred of all falfewages, thou art become the Drarr,]ards fang, as David was, and a by-word amongil the formes of Relial, as was lob; If the world lowre and looke fowre upon thee for thy looking towards Heaven, and thy good-fellow companions abandon Thee, as too precife; 1fthy life be not lik othcr mews, and thy trades ofanotherfafhion, as the Epicures of thofe times B 3 charged